Kia Ora!!
Weather has not been great the past two disappointed should have stayed in UK..ha. Its still hot though! Apparently its all to do with a cyclone in Fiji!!
Went up to the Auckland Domain today (big park in the centre) with a girl I met from the states to see the funeral of Sir Edmund Hilary on the big screens. It was a really nice service (dont know if any of it was broadcasted on BBC should be!!!) I didnt even realise half the work he did, great chap! Bit of uproar with the Kiwis as no royalty showed up! The cars etc passed by us on the roads through the part of history now you know!!
I unfortunately managed to break my mobile phone and destroy part of cameras ibilty to work after a bottle of water leaked all in my bag...great start ha!! (what is it with me and phones near water!!) so im pretty annoyed about that. Managed to buy a cheap phone but cameras arent so cheap. Maybe getting the plastic out for that one!! AAHHHH!
Other than that all is tickety boo. Booked trip up to the bay of islands on the 25th so that should be nice! Bit more remote..much more my thing. Auckland is getting too much now!
lots of love xx
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