Yesterday was a big top sites day.
We started by going to the louvre. We had bought a museum pass so instead of waiting in the 1 km long main security line. We walked in the side entrance without waiting. We saw Mona Lisa, Venus de milo, the coranation of Napoleon, the Crown Jewels, and lady liberty at the barricades. The place was super busy. Towards the end of it I looked at Trapper and said we need to get out of here or I’m going to maul some one. It was all very good.
Then we went up to the champs elise. The street was closed to cars because it is Sunday so that was nice. We popped from shop to shop and checked our the arc de triumph.
After that we went up the Eiffel Tower. It was good and not terribly crowded. There were plenty of people but not enough to make jammed. Trapper overheard the people in front of us going until midnight last night and some of the group members not being excited by that.
Anyway after that we had supper and called it a day. It was a good day but both of us would prefer a less crowded day next.
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