So yesterday was a bit of a travel day we. Lesuorely got up. Tidied the apartment and loaded the car. Drove to the bordeaux train station and hopped a high speed train to Paris. We did go first class though as the upgrade cost so little more. So that was nice.
We checked in with out much of an issue. The apartment is tiny. The shower is minuscule. Basically if one of us is working in the apartment like washing dishes or tidying the other needs to stay in one place. Like the chair or the bathroom. But it’s clean and nice and 350m from the metro.
I did get one Paris experience in though. I had steak tartare. It was great. I won’t be trying to recreate it at home but it was yummy. It had several ingredients mixed in and then oil and vinegar and was clearly handled a lot based on the consistency of the ground beef. Trapper declined the opportunity to try some.
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