hey everyone!
Its been a long time since I wrote anything, and lots have definitely happened. For a week, I slept in the classrooms of the grade school with 10 other peace corps volunteers, and 40 high school students from the states, along with their adult leaders. B3, an NGO from Conneticut came down to San Antonio, a small town in my district, to build latrines for families. It was quite the experience. My job mostly was to translate for the kids. We spent many hours in the sun, mixing concrete, laying bricks, and building doors. B3 invited us to go on "excursions" with them, such as sand boarding, going to paracas, eating pachamanca with them.
Mostly, through this experience, I have learned that I am no longer american. Interacting with them, talking to them, I now see subtle differences, and often not even subtle, which now have developed. They way we talk, walk, act, and even think are completely different. So if I am not american, and definitely not peruvian, then I really dont fit in anywhere. The only people I can relate to are 10 other white people who live in Ica. Well, I guess all the peace corps volunteers here in Peru can relate. Maybe even all peace corps volunteers in the world. I guess, little by little, day after day, I have really changed.
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