This gadget in our car is new to me, I am however loving it! Since reversing one's car into parking bays is the norm for the Japanese, I really don't want to give away my western nature by not complying!
Now reversing has always been my mom's chosen parking style, and thus I have harnessed her ways myself (like mother like daughter-a girl's role model she is inspired by).
Reverse parking is no problem, only now these reversing skills are required when pulling into my driveway off a busy road, into which I need to add a few pedestrians and ample cyclists - just to add more of a challenge!
Well, this may be part of the influence into my new gadget liking so excessively! U can reverse with greater vision by looking forward into GPS screen which changes promptly and automatically into a camera screen to view the proceedings! Such fun! So cleverly and clearly demarcated with coloured lines to mark ones position relative to the angle to which you are heading /aiming for!!
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