Two Step Turn (some countries call 'Hook Turn')
The procedure illustrated here is that used in Japan (for moped bikes, engines smaller than 50cc) where cars drive on the left. Other countries may refer to this as the 'hook turn', it can be a challenge to process, but let me try explain:
- Approach and enter the intersection from as near as possible to the left. If there is insufficient room to enter the intersection due to other cars waiting to two-step/hook-turn then you must wait until the next cycle of the lights.
- Move forward, keeping clear of any marked foot crossing, until your vehicle is as near as possible to the far side of the road that you are entering.
- Remain at the position reached under Step 2 until the traffic lights on the road you are entering have changed to green.
- Turn right into the road and continue straight ahead. Cars on the cross road must give way to hook-turning traffic before commencing through the intersection.
Driving TIPS for license conversion test:
Box Turns
Always use "box turns": I don't know how you were taught to drive, but I was taught that when you make a turn, you should (while staying within your turn lane) drift a bit to the opposite direction of whichever way you are turning to give yourself room to take the turn smoothly.
This is exactly the opposite of how you are supposed to drive in Japan. In Japan, the ideal turn is one in which you signal, check your mirrors, then drift over toward the side you are turning (in order to prevent anybody on a bike or moped from slipping in between you and your intended direction of travel thus causing a terrible accident). You then cut the wheel hard to make the turn
Instant Failure:
Hitting a curb, sliding against a curb, or going over a curb.
Not stopping the full three seconds at stop signs and blinking red lights.
Forgetting your turn signal or signaling too late.
Going over a triangle or a line when turning.
Not lining your bonnet up with the pole at the end, on left of parking
Not staying left enough - wheel must touch the line, but not go over it
Not going fast enough in the straight sections
Train Crossing - Come to complete stop and roll down windows to listen
Obstructed View - Go very very very slow and look ridiculously hard (taken directly off the Hirabari testing website - so enjoy the few grammar giggles...we loved the 'look ridiculously hard' so I had to quote directly ;-). So cute!
- comments
Gill Wow, driving in Japan will take some getting used to! Good Luck to you!