Hej hopp,
Igar kvall borjade det regna och det har regnat hela natten och formiddagen, gud va skont! Det behovdes verkligen. Men det ar fortfarande 28 grader varmt, skit konstigt.
Naja allt e bra, jag ska jobba extra i affaren den har veckan, ons-fre, min kollegas son har fatt vattkoppor. Sa det ar bra, extra timmar och mer pengar. Men nar jag hade sagt ja fick jag reda pa att var "national manager" och nan annan hojdare ska vara har tis-fre. Typiskt! Sa det kommer ju vara lite pissigt. Usch vill inte jobba nar dom e har, dom kommer tjata sa mycket pa mig. Chefen som kommer hennes motto ar (nar kunden ar i omkladningsrummet) "show show show until they say no no no!" Jag haller inte riktigt med, jag vill inte att kunderna ska vara skitirriterade pa oss. Det ar ju meningen att de ska komma tillbaka och handla igen. Ahja, som Andrew sa, det ar bara att fokusera pa slutmalet: resten av resan och alla roliga saker vi kommer gora.
Sen ska jag jobba i helgen och hela nasta vecka, men ska nog ta ledigt nasta lordag och kanske forsoka byta bort sondag.
Gjorde inte sa mycket pa Waitangi Day, det gick ju inga bussar sa det var synd. Men det var varmt sa vi beslutade oss for att ga mot havet, vi kan se det fran huset. Sa vi gick dit, men det var ebb och det ar en jakla skillnad pa ebb och flod har haha Plus att det var ju ingen strand. Sa solade lite och sen gick vi tillbaka, gick tyvarr lite fel och Andrew ville inte ga tillbaka, vi kunde ju gena over faltet, vi kunde se huset fran kullen vi stod pa. Sa vi klattrade over ett par staket, gick igenom hogt gras, bjornbarsbuskar (=taggar), andra taggiga vaxter och lite gropar. Sen kom vi till en damm och en back, det var ju bara att hoppa over backen, men jag ar lite kortare an Andrew sa jag ramlade. Jag kom typ over, bara att jag trampade med foten i backen och ramlade framat. Rolig dag hehe :) Sen har jag jobbat i helgen och igar sa har inte gjort nat annat.
Hi all,
Last night it started to rain! And it rained this morning until about lunchtime. It was so nice and we needed the rain. However, it was still around 28 degrees, so weird, you'd think the rain would cool it down but not really.
Oh well, everything's good. I'm off today, but working extra shifts this week in the shop, Wed-Fri, then the restaurant this weekend and then all next week in the shop again. Good to get some extra hours and more money but not looking forward to working the rest of this week. Apparently our national manager and some other hot shot is coming down here Tues-Fri. Typical eh? They are not gonna like me. I don't really agree with their "sales methods". One of the people coming, her motto (for when the customer is in the changing room) is "show show show, until they say no no no!". I do not agree. I don't want the customer to be annoyed and they should want to come back. If someone kept hassling me in the changing room I would tell them where to stick their clothes. Oh well as Andrew said, I just need to keep my eye on the end goal: the rest of the trip and all the fun stuff we'll do.
Didn't do much on Waitangi Day since there were no buses. It was a hot day so we decided to walk to the sea, which we can see from the house. We got there eventually but the tide was out haha and the tide makes a huge difference. But it was still nice. Then on the way back we took a wrong turn, but Andrew didn't want to turn back, we could just cut across the field, we could see the house from the hill we were standing on. So we climbed some fences, walked in high, thick grass, thornbushes, tripped on a few holes in the ground and then we came to a pond and a creek, but that was ok, we could just jump over the creek, unfortunately I'm a bit shorter than Andrew and tripped. I didn't fall in the creek, I almost made it but my I stepped in the creek with one foot and fell forwards. It was a good day :) But we got home safetly, eventually :)
Hope you are all well! x
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