Hej allihopa,
Nu ar vi i Queenstown och hosten ar i full blom, det ar sa vackert!
Igar va vi i Wanaka, va dar 2 natter och bodde pa en camping vid vattnet. Sa underbart vackert! Sjon ar jattestor och vattnet ar morkt turkost och det var sa lugnt och fridfullt och sa ar ju utsikten underbar, sjon och bergen (Mt Aspiring), det var dar dom spelade in delar av Sagan om Ringen, Moria bla. Bara sa ni vet.
Sa igar gick vi in till stan (1.5 timme) och satt vid vattnet och at lunch i solen, sa jakla underbart!
Sa en uppdatering om vad vi har gjort sen forra inlagget.
Efter Greymouth akte vi vidare soderut (saklart), till Franz Josef glaciaren. Skitmysig by, som att vara i fjallen liksom. Bodde pa en camping inne i regnskogen, sag en pungratta nar vi skulle ga och borsta tanderna, har sett manga sana men bara overkorde, tills vi sag den har saklart.
Stannade dar 2 natter, vi gick upp till glaciaren och kollade men vi klattrade inte dar, vi hade bestamt att ta en tur pa Fox glaciaren istallet. Sa efter Franz Josef akte vi till Fox. Oxa mysig by men lite mindre.
Var tur borjade kl 8.30 pa morgonen, vi fick lana kangor och alpsockor. Tog en buss till glaciaren och borjade ga, tog ca en timme innan vi kom till glaciaren, gick langst floden och sen klattrade vi upp i regnskogen, det var asjobbigt, 800 jakla trappsteg och stup pa ena sidan, lite laskigt ibland men coolt.
Nar vi kom fram tog vi pa oss "taggarna" pa fotterna och vi fick varsin vandringskapp. Sen upp pa isen, vi var dom forsta dar for dagen sa det var coolt (hehe kyligt). Det var en jakla cool upplevelse maste jag saga, vi vandrade pa 250 meter tjock is, men det var lite hal har och dar sa man fick vara forsiktig. Alltsa det var sa javla ballt. Ni ska fa se korten sen, snart hoppas jag.
Naja turen tog ca 4 timmar, efter det akte vi till Lake Matheson (spegel sjon), men tyvarr sa blaste vi lite sa sag inga spegelbilder av Mt Cook (plus att molnen hade kommit da) men vi sag en skitstor al! Det var alltid nat.
Sen vidare ner, stannade i Haast over natten. Liten skitby inget att gora. Sporegnade hela natten och dagen efter nar vi akte over Haast Pass, men nar vi antligen kom over bergen och sag Lake Wanaka kom solen fram.
Och som sagt nu ar vi i Queenstown. Har det skitbra!
Massor av kramar!
Hi all,
Now we're in Quuenstown and we're having a great time! Autumn is here and it's beautiful!!
Yesterday we were in Wanaka, were there for 2 nights and it's such a nice place, so beautiful! We stayed at a campsite near the lake and the view was amazing, with the dark turqoise water and the moutains (Mt Aspiring) where they shot a lot of LOTR movies, Moria for example. Yesterday we took a walk into town (1.5 hours) and had lunch by the water and just enjoyed the sunshine.
Now I'll tell you what we did before that.
fter we left Greymouth we went south to Franz Josef Glacier, such a nice little village, like beaing in a skii resort. We stayed at a campsite in the rainforest and we saw a possum! We've seen a lot of dead ones along the road but this was the first live one we've seen.
We took a walk to the glacier and had a look, really cool! But we didn't climb it, we decided to climb Fox instead, so the day after we drove there and checked in. The tour started at 8.30 in the morning, we got our gear on and too kthe bus to the glacier, and then started walking. Took about 1 hour before we reached t he glacier, walked along the river bed and then up into the rainforest, 800 bloody steps!My legs were killing me for days afterwards!
When we got to the ice we put on our crampons and got a walking stick and then we started climbing. We were the first tour of the way which was good. It was an amazing experience, absolutely amazing! We were climbing on top of 250 metre thick ice! It's so hard to imagine, just waiut til you get to see the pictures, which will hopefully be soon.
After the climb which took about 4 hours, we went to Lake Matheson (Mirror Lake) but it was a bit windy and the clouds had come down over the moutains so didn't see any mirror reflections of Mt Cook, but we did see a big eel! Better than nothing eh?
Then drove down again, stayed the night in Haast which is a very very small place. It rained all night and all day as we drove over Haast Pass, but when we came to the other side of the moutains and saw Lake Wanaka, the sun came out.
And now we're in Queenstown and we are having a great time! The best trip ever. Someone said, if you wanna see the world, come to NEw Zeeland and it's true, the sights are amazing!
Hope you're all well, will see you soon!
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