Jag glomde en sak. Den 4 januari firade vi 6 ar. Sa kvallen innan (den 4:e va ju en sondag) gick vi ut och kakade middag. Gick till ett stalle som heter Hot on the Rocks som ligger vid strandpromenaden. Jatte mysigt! Jag bestallde rumpstek :) och Andrew scotch va nu det ar, sag likadan ut som min, lite tjockare bara. Naja, man fick steken serverad pa en stenplatta som var jakligt varm och sa fick man tillaga den sjalv. Tufft va? Och man fick sallad, potatis och BEARNAISESAS till!! Till efterratt blev det chokladkaka och cheesecake. Efterat gick vi till en engelsk pub, Badger and Crown och drack lite bourbon och cola och lyssnade pa ett band. Dom va asbra!
Forgot to tell you. On the 4th of January we celebrated 6 years together, I know who would have thought eh. ANyway, on the Saturday (the 4th was on a Sunday) we went for a meal in town. Went to a place called Hot on the Rocks, on the strand which was really nice. We ordered steaks and we got them served on a hot rock (hence the name of the place) and you got to cook them yourselves. Really nice! And it was served with salad, potatoes and bearnase sauce. For dessert: chocolate cake and cheesecake.
Afterwards we went to an English pub called Badger and Crown, had a couple of bourbon and cokes and watched a band play, they were really good.
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