Thanks for your messages, so lovely to hear from you and a bit weird really considering how far apart we are.
Feel free to pass the blog on to our friends, we just want to keep this to our close friends and family.
Paul's posting reads a bit like a food log (or Flog), so today we are only going to get food on foot - that will save him sitting down and ordering two starters and a main course!
Today we are going to Petaling Street in Chinatown, lots of sights sounds and probably smells (some good some not so). It is a bustling set of street stalls....will let you know how it went. Also going to see some of the interesting mosques and temples close to that area.
Yesterday evening we walked to Central Market and I bought some giant trousers, very roomy and airy for this weather. Will probably post a daft photo at some point! Hair is a bit frizzy as predicted, on the Michael Jackson Afro - scale it is probably Billy Jean era, so not so bad today!
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