Arrived in Chiang Mai in yesterday afternoon and got dropped of at our hostel (SoHostel). Impressive building and common areas, very modern. Staying in a 12 bedded dorm, basic but has four walls which is a step up from what we have just been sleeping in.
No rest for the wicked though, we got some washing on and headed straight out to the train station to book our tickets for our night train to Bangkok. Then it was planning what to do with our time here in Chiang Mai.
Headed out in the evening to the famous Sunday night market, was insanely busy, but a great buzz about the place and even better food. Seen our first boots shop which Sarah and I got very excited about.
Then it was off to meet the group in a bar near by for a drink. Great seeing everyone and having a proper goodbye. Some of us went to a lady boy show after in the square, which I have to say was pretty impressive. A very well put together, entertaining show. Then we went to another bar for a bit of dancing and seeing in one of the girls birthday. Was a good random night.
Today we only really have the morning, so as much as it pained us to get up early again, we went to a zip lining course with Eagle Track Zipline Tour. Very much like go ape.
The drive there was over an hour and the last part was on some of the worst roads I've ever been on. So as we pulled up, and our guides opened the doors, full of energy to greet us, they were met by my head in a crisp packet bag throwing up, and Sarah rushing to the toilets (great first impression). Would love to say the alcohol from the night before didn't play a small part in it as well.
Was good to go after that, so me and Sarah and two very funny guides (Sun and Davit) started our hour long course, which wasn't nearly enough time. So much fun zip lining our way through trees and over rice fields, and absailing down trees. Was a very well thought out course, and very safe. I had a great morning.
Some time now before catching our night train at 5pm. So off to get a much needed pedicure after the week we have had.
Mixed feelings about the night train, excited but also don't know what to expect.
Next stop, Bangkok Baby!!!!
- comments
pops That trian journey sounded horrible, but its done now, and you can relax a bit b4 your full moon party, both your last blogs have been so good to read , compelling reading like a good book, take care missing you tuns, pops
tim Waiting for the next update. Your pics are so amazing !!!! x