Sarah's Six Month Adventure
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New blog entry posted
Birmingham Airport, UK

New blog entry posted
Beijing, China

New blog entry posted
Shanghai, China
mum So pleased you have enjoyed your day darling and again met some kind people who have certainly made you feel welcome and added to the experience. I do feel secretly pleased you are ready for your homeward journey back to your family that have missed and love you very much!!! Enjoy your last few days,keep safe and see you at the airport xxxxxxx
pops Well your amazing adventure has come to an end, I will miss reading your fabulous disscripstion of your daily adventures. So glad to see you safely home with the ones that love you XXXXX
re: Beijing, Chinamum And you forgot to add to the ones that love us. I will so miss checking into your blog. Hurry home now we have missed you so much xxxx
re: Beijing, Chinasarahksg Awesome you're meeting me at the airport? I'll cancel my taxi then, hahah. Can't wait to see you all. Cxxxx
re: Shanghai, Chinamum So pleased you have enjoyed your day darling and again met some kind people who have certainly made you feel welcome and added to the experience. I do feel secretly pleased you are ready for your homeward journey back to your family that have missed and love you very much!!! Enjoy your last few days,keep safe and see you at the airport xxxxxxx
re: Shanghai, ChinaPops So glad you got to have some chill out time, once again a fabulous Blog read , pleased you had another go on a scooter, becoming a right little biker, enjoy your last few days, can't wait to see you.XXXXX
re: Koh Samet, Thailandsarahksg Thanks Tim :) flying there on the 1st. Going sooooo fast now it's scary :( looking forward to seeing you all though xx
re: Chiang Mai, Thailandpops yet another amazing account of your latest adventure, those water falls look so cool, but you know that after showering under one. Glad everything worked out ok in the end with your bus, very brave of you to trust a stranger , yeah not long now enjoy the rest of your adventure, make as many precious memories as possible. all my love pops
re: Huay Xai (The Gibbon Experiamce), LaosTim Wow Sarah. This sounds totally amazing. Love the idea of waking up in the jungle to all those amazing sounds. Did you see Tarzan? Xxx
re: Huay Xai (The Gibbon Experiamce), Laosmum Well darling here we were worrying about you on your own for your birthday and as always no need. It sounded like the perfect place to celebrate your birthday. Hey and you get to do it all again with us in 32 days,1hour 10mins and 18seconds,not that we're counting. As always keep safe and enjoy every moment. Love and miss you so very much xxxxxxx
re: Vang Vieng, LaosTim This sounds a fantastic way to celebrate a birthday ! Trust you have a wonderful day xxx
re: Vang Vieng, Laosmum Well hope you masterd that hammock better then the one in Corfu. Do you remember spending most of the afternoon climbing back into it, but as always never giving up. Those caves sound amazing and with a mud wrap thrown in bonus. As always our gourgous girl keep safe and hurry home. xx
re: Phong Nha, VietnamTRim As always - sounds AMAZING Sarah ! Can't believe how quickly the time is going now. ENJOY every moment x
re: Hanoi, Vietnampops Hi Sar, as always yet another great read of your Blog. Glad you had someone you like to share such an amazing trip with. The transportation sounds a bit ify, but it always seems to get you threr, thank you for taking the time out of your busy days, to share part of the amazing experiences you are having, we could never tier of reading them, stay safe,love you tuns.
re: Sapa, Vietnampops You have a wonderful way with words, each time I read your Blog I feel I've done the trip with you, so glad you're having such a great time, keep your wonderful stories coming, looking forward to the next 1 already love you tuns XXXXX
re: Da Lat, Vietnam- last visited

- travel plan
- Vientiane, Laos
mum And you forgot to add to the ones that love us. I will so miss checking into your blog. Hurry home now we have missed you so much xxxx
pops Well your amazing adventure has come to an end, I will miss reading your fabulous disscripstion of your daily adventures. So glad to see you safely home with the ones that love you XXXXX