Today this could be the greatest day of my life?
Oh what a perfect day?
It started by crawling from a small campervan to find a toilet at 3.30am.(wet grass, from the rain!!, don't take the piss)
It finished not too badly.
Sat on a king bed in a smart hotel room, we are 300miles from the campervan and wine has been poured.
Between these two are rush, travel, no food, hormones and sleep. All never to be mentioned again- once sally has added her bit.
Today we travelled from Nelson at the top of the south island to Rotorua mid North Island .
We travelled by campervan to the airport. flew to Auckland, picked up a car and drove to Rotorua
A long way but sounds straight forward? Never! Not us.
We have had 4 days lack of sleep with a small multi collapsable bed (only when you don't want it to), various non identifiable dripping noises and a fridge that went into noisy overdrive in the night then broke down the next day.
Last night was the best night -both needing the loo (getting out of the van with the bed made up requires special abillities we both lack); getting to the toilet block and back wakes you up- me because of the adrenaline/ fear surge, Steve just because it does (probably the rain). Realising that Sam is playing a live game on line that you can observe- can't resist that one and talking to Becki and James on Skype at 4.45am can well fill your night. Add a quick bed collapse and sleep didn't come until 6.45am. Those travel savvy people can spot the problem coming up- yes the plane was at 9am.
We are not the totally laid back travellers we like to think we are so we did pack abit last night but not enough to allow a late blurry start. We drove to the airport where Steve dropped me off at the departures door with semi packed bags, a pile of clothes and an over flowing food bag- I'm praying the milk isn't leaking. I AM ACTUALLY WEARING MY PYJAMAS!
I throw on a dress over the top hoping it looks ok with my UGG Boots and a sweat shirt. I'm sick of people who look you up and down- like - WHAT??Never been late?? It could have been the bed hair.
Steve has gone off to park (dump) the van somewhere and he's been gone ages I think. Eventually he turns up having found a free carpark - at an airport? Yes its that far away. Good for Steve.
Even Steve manages to fall asleep on the plane and we arrive in auckland a bit quick. We are dazed and I am a sorry state in my pajamas, having the period from hell. We are starving with no plan.
Steve takes charge after I refuse to ever go back in another campervan he admits he has had better times too> I sit with the bags and he leaves me. I'm still getting funny looks- is it the pyjamas? I'm actually hoping so.
Steve returns with a snappy little brand new car (no he has not stolen it) and things look better. The sun comes out, we get a coffee (who am I ?) and we head towards Rotorua- oh and I remove my pyjamas.
We book a Hangi for tomorrow night ( a maori meal cooked in the ground) with lots of Haka's and Moari stories. We go online and find a great late rooms deal for a half price room for 2 nights and we are back on track. We have even Skyped Sylv.
We are not campervaners, we may not be great back packers but we so can travel and we agree we have many more skills.
The lady from "Go wild" calls saying she is at Nelson airport waiting for us as agreed. Whoops. She wants to know were the campervan is. Steve tells her were and says he left the side door unlocked with the keys under the mat!!! Go Steve.
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