We have a very late start and decide to explore Omapere.
We have to climb over two styles and walk across a field and we arrive at another stunning beach. I made a mess of getting over the first style as I failed to notice the top step so straddling the wire was tricky- lucky for me I have long legs- anyone else would have been sliced ham.
The noise from the waves and the shingle is tremendous and sounds like distant thunder. Theres a chap sitting in the breaking waves who appears to be bashing rocks together- I want to know what he is doing so I go for a friendly hello but he turns the other way- frankly a bit nuts then?
The kids we see all say hello and one offered us a drink of his orange pop- its the thing to say hello to everyone and have a chat. Steves really good at it.
I get totally absorbed in the roots of the trees that have been ravaged by the sea. I want to become an artist who does stuff with driftwood but sadly thats where my ideas end so it would not be a lucrative or even particularly creative career.
Its really hot and very humid and we have occaisional rain- very warm, soft stuff so we get an ice cream at the information centre and ask how far it is to the nearest shop? Its next door.
We buy what we need and Steve goes for a 6 pack of beer in bottles. We have to carry everything back which was about 2-3 miles. Steve filled his rucksack which was fine until he bent down to take his shoes off and overbalanced.
Back at the retreat we eat asparagus tips with garlic butter and then barbeque lamb steaks and onions with grits. For pudding we have butterscotch angel delight! WOW.
We have had a go on the lottery today but we don't know if we have won as we can't understand it properly. Its more fun that way.
Just incase we have won we have booked a day sail in the bay of islands "On the Edge"- new zealands fastest sailing catamaran. Oh My God.
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