This week I got the first result of an exam, plus I was teaching an English class in the supermarket. That was a really strange experience, but it was fun.
For one of our Chinese classes we had an exam two weeks ago and this Thursday I got my result. I didn't do so badly, I got 98 out of 100 points. Though, this course is not about Chinese language but about Chinese culture and about the country. The real Chinese language exam I think will be way more difficult.
Teaching English was an interesting experience this weekend. We had an outing to the supermarket, to learn products' English names. So we split the class into three groups and every teacher got a group of about 12 people to go around with in the supermarket. We just went around and we talked about the products that are found in the supermarket. But it was interesting for me too, though. I got 12 guides to ask about Chinese products and fruits and so on. It was an excursion for all of us. And then on Sunday there was the final show of one class, which was basically a presentation and a show of things that they have learned. It was really funny to see.
The photo is taken of food that is maybe my second favorite dish here in China. It is spicy rice with chicken and some vegetables. This is Korean food, but it is really good.
I also had to do some stuff for the university, the year is coming to an end and the deadlines are coming up. I had to finish one report before tomorrow and then next week I would have to start studying for the exams. But I still have some time, because the first one is coming up next week. So no hurry yet. But I do have a presentation on Tuesday about Money and Banking which I have to prepare. I'll be talking about the BREXIT, so a bit about Europe too.
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