This morning we had a bit of a sleep in again, then Navajo and Cecilia got up and went for a run - no surprises I was rather sick again. Once they were back the three of us packed a bag and got ready to go to Verona for the weekend.
We left home at 11:40am and picked up Greta and headed to the train station. First train went good, two hours on that and we arrived in Brescia. Then we had a bit of an issue. We checked the departure board and our second train was due to leave in 8 minutes from platform 10, we got there and jumped on the train - the minute we started moving I realised we were on the wrong train and ours was actually due at the same platform but 5 minutes later. After a lot of laughter and talking to the train guy we realised that 1) we were lucky as the train we were on was also going to Verona, 2) that we couldn't swap at the next stop back onto our original train as it was going a different route, 3) it now meant we each had to pay another €23. It was a bit of a laugh, and not too long after we arrived in Verona. We had about 10 minutes to kick around before Dearhbla and Ceile (my Irish friends) arrived on the bus.
We had a quick catch up with then and then jumped on the bus and headed back to their apartment to drop our bags off.
With a lot of catching up to do we sat in their kitchen in the aircon for an hour yarning and telling stories before we headed out. We went for a walk into the main town square, down through the town and down the river. On the way we made a stop at the Juliette statue for some photos with the famous gold boob and balcony - I was shocked to find out Navajo had never even heard about it!
We stopped in the town square for a drink and a snack and a lot of talking - and getting to know each other, then we carried on to another restaurant for dinner. It was a really lovely restaurant outside and the staff were so kind! The two of us had another pizza and a drink.
During dinner we were confronted by a guy selling roses, telling us that the bosses son had paid for roses for all of us, not believing this as it's often a scam to get you to pay, we asked one of the waiters. To our surprise the bosses son come over and told us it was true! Turns out he had met the Ceile before and fancied her - it made for a lot of laughs and banter at the table. We had another Italian desert and then headed on our way home in the severe lightning! It was pretty cool to watch as it was still really warm and not raining.
We got home just after midnight and Navajo and I headed to bed, while the others decided to go out to a club! They got home at 4am and we're very entertaining.
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