Booze cruise today, so had to make some preparations, had the usual shower etc, then headed to town and had a big pad Thai to see me through the day, packed my bag, towel gopro and a couple changs! We headed to the beach where we got on a long tail boat which took us to the bigger boat, when everyone was aboard we headed off around the island to a small bay and got straight in the water, jumping off the boat having a few drinks, the water was amazing and did a spot of fishing too, managed to catch biggest off the day (boom) we then hopped back on the boat and headed to another bay where you can do a cliff jump, only about 7metres though.. Ah well, some snorkelling an more boat jumping occurred and then when sun set the boat cruised back to the harbour, we got in 10 minutes before the Chelsea game so me and Lee (another Guernsey lad who checked in the morning) went to chopper and watched Chelsea lose 2-0... Brilliant, Lee and I headed back to Spicy and chilled out for the evening, didn't want to go to town again so we watched a film here and then crashed out as I was so freaking tired, ruddy good day though!
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