Got awoken on the bus by a shouting Asian man who was kind enough to apologise as he did so, due to riots and protests a few road were closed so we had to bypass Champun and go further south to Surrathini it addrd more time to our bus journey but I slept a lot of it so its all good, we were shortly after on a mini bus as on route to Donsak pier where we would get out ferry to Kho Tao via Samui and Pan-Gnan it was about a 4 hour ferry but the sun was shining and we met some decent people so no complaints, we got to Koh Tao around 4pm where we hopped in a haggled taxi and got dropped off at Spicy Tao backpackers which has an amazing vibe to it, we're staying in a full 10 bed dorm but everyone here is super friendly and we all get on really well! We literally dropped our bags off in the room and walked for 5/10 mins to the beach where we swam till the sun went down. After getting back to the hostel and showering we headed out and found a restaurant doing an offer on a 12inch pizza and 1.5 litres of beer for just over £6 so we hit that up straight away! We then checked out the two more popular bars on the island being Chopper and Lotus, Chopper had a really good vibe to it and we met some of our dorm friends there who was on the pub crawl we then followed them to lotus which is a big beach bar and it was really buzzing, I however was feeling the travel so polished off one beer here and then headed back to tr hostel where I pretty much passed out straight away, ruddy good island though!
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