Valencia has a very similar climate and feel to Barcelona, but it's much smaller. These Meditteranean cities have been a nice weather relief to us after northern Germany. We've had blue skies and high temperatures. Valencia is a very clean city for a beach town, most of the cities in the French and Italian Rivera seemed really dirty. We're getting a little tired of sightseeing so we only walk to sights that are very highly touted. Valencia has a huge park that's about a hundred yards and winds throughout the city. Most city parks tend to be big rectangular blocks while this park stays consistently the same width straddling between two streets and curves all the way to the beach. The highlight of the park was a new Aquarium facility they're building, comprised of about half a dozen buildings and it looks like they're building more. Take a look at the pictures, they're very interesting and unique buildings that are very modern. One of the buildings looks like half an eyeball and the reflecting pool in front of it reflects the other half. Another building looks like some type of spaceship. I didn't expect modern buildings like this in a city like Valencia. Another interesting thing about Spain is their siesta, I've always heard of it but never really seen it in action. Everybody literally closes their shops for about three hours in the afternoon and relax/sleep then come back and reopen the shops. It's really cool as a cultural point, but it's really annoying for tourists like us because we've found ourselves shut out of lunch a couple times because everything's closed and we forget about the siestas. But asides from inconvenience for tourists, I think it's really cool they take siestas like that.
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