Why isn't tallness a recognised disability?
Ok, last one for a while i reckon. Greetings from LA Airport. I got here very early today cause I couldnt be fussed with making my way through the public transport system to get here in the heat and my backpack so i took the free shuttle from the hostel. Ive killed 4 hours quite well and theres still 3 to go.
What I implore you all to do on May 31st is enjoy the day. Im not going to see May 31st on land due to the wonders of time travel and its a shame cause ill never get that day back. Who knows what could have happened if i was around on May 31st, the possibilities are endless and i will buy a diary for next year and circle May 31st in as the day im going to do something cool. Obviously now ill have an exam or summat.
So yeah, had a major kerfuffle with my arrival in NZ. I totally got the dates wrong being the moron that I am and booked into a hostel on the 30th and 31st, if i had read my schedule carefully i would have seen that i don\'t arrive until June 1st. Cue manic phone calls to cancel my reservation, too late, I got charged for the first night, fair enough, i can\'t argue with being an idiot and should really get fined for it. Then when i ring up the lady says that some girl called Nicola is asking after me? IVE GOT NO IDEA WHAT SHES TALKING ABOUT, IS THAT THE NAME CLAIRE GOES BY IN NZ? SH1TE! IM DOOMED! I DIDNT INVITE HER TO NZ, THATS NOT GOING TO STOP HER DAMMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So im going to end on a very cheesy note and its apt coming from a country that consumes cheese to a high level and also proudly talks in a cheesy fashion whenever possible. When driving to the airport on my way out of LA along La Cienega Boularvard I thought of the Ryan Adams song \"La Cienega\" when it says in the chorus that \"La Cienega just smiles, and waves goodbye\" and do you know what? I think it did.
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