Why isn't tallness a recognised disability?
Second night of poor sleep pattern. Today is the day when i sort this out. I had the perfect plan yesterday, went out on the day tour, returned at around 5 and there was basketball starting at 6, this was going to last for 3 hours by which time i could then just mince around for a bit and go to bed at a reasonably normal time so i can sort myself out.
Wasn't to be, sat down on bed, fell straight to sleep and didnt wake up till 3.30am. Sucks to be me at that point. It doubly sucks cause nothing seems to open in America till about 12, its really weird, its like its a different country to the one i normally live in or something.
So something happened that is possibly cooler than the whole seeing Jack Bauer's house experience. Went down this street on the tour that is proper gang land terrority. The guy said "watch, these guys will flip you off i guarantee". Flip off is the Zap sign for Kirsty, the finger for us. Anyway, sure as hell they did, big mean looking gangsta fu*kers they were. I'll admit to being a little scared.
Its quite an experience to come across people like that who Id imagine would actually kill me if i wasn't in the car. When you see all the houses in the neighbourhood with big metal bars all over the windows you thankgod the car didn't break down cause its dog eat dog out there yo. Much like Thamesmead id imagine.
Just to emphasise how dodgy this city is, while doing the tour the tour guide got a phone call from his brother who told him that one of their friends had been murdered in a proper mob style killing. He was taken out on a boat, shot and dumped in the river. Fantastic. Only a few more days now, I'll be sure to stay on the right side of town and Universal Studios and probably Disneyland awaits.
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