Why isn't tallness a recognised disability?
After crashing through the international date line with gusto I embarked on the New Zealand leg of the world tour. It still amuses me that ive lost a whole day, I think its absolutely awesome. If I was rich I would do this journey whenever there was a day I wanted to miss out, top of my list would be New Years Eve, I hate that day.
So, onto Auckland. I think ive seen the most gay man in the world ever. He works in starbucks and ive never seen anyone get so excited over a bloody apple and blueberry muffin. Ok so phew, so far it appears that NICOLA is NICOLA and shes not CLAIRE. However after watching Mission Impossible 3 I think I should try and make sure that she isn't wearing a prosthetic Nicola mask (avaliable in all good costume shops, particularly around halloween) as I could do without the scooby doo ending on this one.
We rent a car, its a lovely little baby automatic Toyota. I haven't driven an automatic for ages but soon get back in the swing of things, man driving, woman navigating and all is good in the hood. Onto Whangarei and bed for the night. Its a peculiar little hostel run by a funny little man who is an official 'sex maniac'. Its true, there is a certificate on the wall and everything.
Onto a charming establishment for some food and excellent live music. It was improv night and apparently "anything can happen" on this night which mainly means that some stoned bloke is going to play the bongoes and refer to everyone who plays as "artists".
The highlight of the night was a singer by the name of Henry who is the spitting image of Uncle Phil from the Fresh Prince of Bel Air. Please don't confuse him with Nicola's uncle who is called Phil (Uncle Phil) or her father, Big Phil.
Back to the sex maniac hostel for sleepies, Nicola better not get any ideas, i would never do that to John-Guy.
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