Yey! The tall man is returning to the mothership! The crowds are gathering at airport arrivals as we speak...
Ricky P
Hello Mr. Green - I must declare that in fact it is I who should be referred to as Mr. Green as I am Green with Envy!!!!!
Take no Offence by what I am about to say - but I got bored of reading your entries - and have only now returned to the Blog. I take just one glimps of how much you have wrote and head for the cross in the top right hand corner of the screen!!!
But my interested returned and now I am gripped - I CAN'T BELIEVE - I WON'T BELIEVE - You met THE Harold Bishop!!!!!! (Not in a G@y way) But I love that Guy!!!!!!!!! Chris Green - You to me are a Leg-end!!!!!! I am now trying to persuade my mates to ditch Las Vegas next year and go for Not Australia - But Ramsay Street!!!!!!! Thats the only place I want to go - 3 Weeks there!!!!!!
Anyways look forward to your return back on British shores whereby I will bow at your feet.
PS. The Film wouldn't be Waynes World?!?!?!?!?!
"Nutbush City Limits" - im all over that sh1t. Im doing the dance now.
The Tina Turner dance truly was as funny as it sounds, made even funnier by the fact that the song is called 'Nutbush' and only John and Suckler have heard of it. You missed a treat.
Thanks for the postcard b****, can't believe I have a signed postcard of Toadfish! It has, obviously, taken pride of place on my mantelpiece. Scott has been saying "Scary, that's so scary" over and over for the last 5 minutes becuase I told him you went to Yeronga and that's where he went to High School. Apparently he lived just down the road, literally just down the road from there. He lived next to the ugly power station construction. Do you know it?
You missed the best thing ever the other day, John singing and Scott doing some special dance to a Tina Turner number. We weren't even in the pub, it was in the middle of the day in the office. You went to the other side of the world to expand your mind and learn about other cultures and here I am sitting at your old desk doing just that. Later loser
XXXXX - extra kisses cos I know it creeps you out xxxx
Angie - im sure if I ask the pimp outside that I could find myself a cheap chinese.
Thanks also to Graham and Rich for having nothing to say, it was excellent to be informed of this.
The Saturday Crew
I have just read your blog to Graham and Rich on this really dull weekend. It sounds like you could have been in with the Hugrian womens mother!
Just a tip for eating out in Australia - Chinese is really really expensive in sydney.
Rich says he hasn't got anything to say to you - he now talks to kirsty.
Graham says hi - he has been too busy with Lady leah too reply
"a ar$e faced small carnivorous mammal with short legs and elongated body and neck", haven't you just described the suckler??
Laffers is right to be cautious with the spelling LD. Even Nicola's surname got blanked out the other day.
In answer to the question thats stumped philosophers everywhere, give me a ar$e faced small carnivorous mammal with short legs and elongated body and neck anytime. Ive got the elongated bit down already.
If you were a weasel faced ar$e then life would be dicated by the person to which you as the ar$e are attached. Id miss my autonomy.
Says Little Miss Virtuous herself. I think I too would rather have a face like a weasel, though nature has given me a head start in that respect. I'm thinking of getting my teeth filed to a point, what do you reckon Green? AND WHEN ARE YOU COMING BACK TO US????
Also, spot who is so used to swearing on emails that they **** out a*se on blog message boards now out of force of habbit...
Well I guess it depends whether you'd rather have a face like a weasel or a face like an arse. I might concurr with Gareth and say weasel. If it was a weasel's arse I might have to reconsider my position