24 degrees at 8:30, warm sunny day. Sat on Promenade Deck with B. until 11:15, then went to a talk on the Princes in the Tower. Still don't know whodunnit! Around 12:00 the captain came on with some bad news. A passenger had been ill and was going to be evacuated to Easter Island and thence to Santiago. This meant that the circumnavigation of the island wouldn't now happen. It turns out that there are about 6 Moai (heads) by the main town and we were able to see them fairly clearly. They are in the middle of today's picture. After the ship's tenders returned with the doctor, we went back round the headland and closer to the shore for a short sail past. We finally saw a lot more Moai on a slope.
On the 2013 world cruise, I didn't get a gold sticker for quoits until the third sector. We are currently in the third sector and today I won my first quoits gold sticker. Which makes up for the one I didn't win in the Individual Quiz! Men are still ahead in BoS.
After dinner we sat by the Terrace Bar drinking wine and stuff until the casino draw. Didn't win this time. Nor did we win the Syndicate either. Our friend David did though, in the tie break.
Clocks back another hour tonight.
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