Last day in phnom penh... :( Got home for 12:00 lunch time as we had lots to do today! Annie got back at gone 3! :|
The Russian market was supposed to close at 4!!! Got a tuk tuk straight away, found out It didn't shut till 5, cost $3 and he waited for us too, brought us back for another $3!!
At the Russian market bought an aftershave for $5!!! Smells totes amazeballs and was supposedly $20!!! In the food market part a woman kept hitting a live fish with a rock, all the seafood is still alive and they just beat it to death then fry it!! :/ I couldn't believe they just whack the fish by their fin-tales against the floor until they're dead! sooo gruesome! Very fresh though ;)
After an hour walking around we left, we were hungry and didn't want to always eat in the guesthouse do we ended up going to KFC! It was awful! Never going back ever again! Never having fast food ever again!
Got back to our guesthouse then met Din and went to the cinema! We went to see Madagascar 3!! What a child i know ;) It was so funny! The cinema shopping complex is full of Asians, I think I was the only Caucasian in there! I must have stood out like a saw thumb in the cinema screen as the tallest Asian person isn't even as high as my shoulders :/ everyone stares... :o
Got back and went to eat tea at a restaurant down the street, can't remember what it was called but they had over 100 dishes on offer!!! You know me though, yellow noodles! Nothing changes! Ha!
Then got ready to go out, again! Two colours bar, blue chilli bar and heart of darkness club! Da stayed in, so it was the three of us until we met John! In the am we ended up going to the same food stall that they all go to every night! Kill me! Again, it's typical Kmher, me and annie are the only Caucasian people there and we get stared at by everyone!! Do we care though!? Everytime we also say we're not hungry and don't want to eat then they order us food anyway!!! Noodle soup, its the only thing they serve!
Ended up Staying at Din's house yet again! I've not spent one night in our guesthouse and we've been here for a week!!! I think I should get discount, I only use it as somewhere to store my rucksack! The thought of sleeping with all the cockroaches and geckos doesn't really do it for me :/
Its so sad that it's our last day! I know we've seen everything that phnom penh has to offer now, but we still don't want to leave! I could easily live here but, as usual... Time to move onto somewhere new tomorrow... :((((
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