So today annie promised me that she would be home at 6:00am! She got home at 1pm! Great! So I wasted 7 hours of day doing nothing! To be honest I slept until then, kept waking to see if she was here yet then rolling back over!
When she did get back we went for breakfast in our guesthouse, the food is so good here! I just hope that the rats that roam the streets don't also roam the kitchen! We sat with Franck the French guy we met yesterday, he's crazy so was our entertainment :)
Later on we took a walk to the central market, I went back to go get the beats by Dre earphones I saw, if amazon says there £80.00 and they sell them here for £6, I'm there! I don't care If I can't listen to them because of my piercing! I just want a pair! And I love them!
In the evening we ate at the restaurant around the corner from our guesthouse with John and Din :) then the four of us ended up going to the cinema to watch Prometheus 3D! What a grose film, it's full of gooey puss, for blood and it's just gory! I love going to the cinema here though it makes me feel like I'm at home even though the cinemas here are a million times better than in England!
After the film we went home to quickly get changed and go back out again! I had every intention on staying in tonight, seen as though our bus tomorrow leaves at 6:15AM!!!! But as Din reminded us, it's our last night in Cambodia, we gotta go out in style ;) so we did as we were told! We weren't gonna drink though.... What were we thinking? No drinking! This is annie we are talking about ha!
So we stayed in Heart Of Darkness club all night and said bye to everyone in there, I'd forgotten just how many friends we've made!!! :( 4:30AM we left the club to go eat again! At a stall outside the club! This is too much of a reocurring routine for my liking! And then at 5 we went back to our guesthouse to pack! The sunrise as we were walking home looked georg! It can be tomorrows blog photo!
- comments
Emma, Andy and bet x Sounds to me like your already feeling miles better!!!!!!!back on form are we michael?????