So the photos for this folder are all from our stay in phnom penh seen as though we didn't take a single photo in sikanhouville!!! Il explain why!! It was boring, that's why! To be honest I would write one page on the whole stay but the only reason I'm not Is because I promised myself I would update my blog for every single day!
Just warning you for before you start reading these next few blogs are the most boring days of our travels don't even bother reading this section! :/
Got home before lunch and we quickly packed before eating in our guesthouse. Seen as though we don't even have a sink to wash our clothes in, they're all dirty so packing took all of 5 minutes to just chuck everything into a bag! Done...
The minivan picked us up at 12:30, it was sweaty and humid and we picked up like 15 other people all from different hotels, fun! (not) then we got to the coach station and waited half an hour to set off. The coach took 5 hours and cost $6 each, so cheap! And that's including the pickup from our guesthouse!
We arrived in Sikanhouville around 6:30pm, we asked everyone where they would recommend staying here before we left and they all just said "you'll find somewhere!" This wasn't much help, we're in a foreign country, no idea where we are or what were even here for but oh well - "we'll find somewhere" I guess!
So we looked through lonely planet on the coach down and 'Serendipity beach' was the place where everything is going on! We got a tuk tuk for $3 but he insisted we must see some guesthouse of his own choice first... We agreed but only to have a look and then for him to drive us on to serendipity if we didn't like it!
We didn't like it! The room was okay but it wasn't on the beach it was across the road, we came to the beach to be on it! Bumped into a girl who was on our coach and she had the same idea as us, serendipity beach but the tuk Tuks think it's okay to take us on a de-tour! So he drive us on, still not to where we wanted to be but a hostel in the opposite direction! We didn't even get out of our seats to look, we just said no serendipity! He then laughed and said "oh, why didn't you say?" Well, thing is, we did - 3 times!
He finally drove us down the road to the beach where there was plenty of choice of places to stay! The first one he dropped us off at was the sister hotel for the place he just took us! They only had an air on room, not a fan room, I hate the air con its too cold and there more expensive so he took us to another... This guy doesn't give up!
He let us try two different beach huts, the first one was small and dirty, the second one was owned and run by a British family and was clean yet dirt cheap! $7 a night and your 4th night is free so $21 for a four night stay? That's £2 each a night! :D sold!
We got our bags off of the tuk tuk, we half expected him to have driven off with our belongings by now! He then offered me some marijuana for my stay! How considerate, err... No!
Our guesthouse had stopped serving food so we walked along the beach to eat. I had pork amok for a change! It was nice it's a Kmher dish and it's basically a less spicy Thai curry, it's creamier!
It was nice for a change, still don't appreciate the rice as much as I do noodles but, I had to have a change at some point!
While we were sat eating 3kids came upto us selling bracelets, jasmine came and made me a free one so I bought another! Annie ended up paying for 3! She's such a pushover when it comes to kids! I wouldn't mind but they're like 17, they just look like 10!
We then got an early night after showering etc as we were knackered and I'm coming down with something.... I think I've caught something from the bus maybe, they turn the air-con so it's freezing cold you have to wrap up in hoodies and we still had a blanket over us too! So when we arrived I started to feel dizzy and just needed to lie down! :(
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