The bus today was booked for 12:15, pickup was at 11:30. I woke up at 8:30 and couldn't get back to sleep so I got up around 10, packed all my stuff and went to get breakfast at half past, giving us an hour.
I got toast again, my stomachs still in knots! I waited 15 minutes for it to get here and when it did I took one look at it and thought I was going to be sick so I grabbed the key and ran back to the room, when I got to the bottom of the stairs (there's about 8 steps!) I couldn't even see to the top, my vision just went black and I could only see a foot infront of me! I just remember preying Id make it to the room without passing out!!! What the hell is wrong with me!!!!!!
Anyway a few minutes laying down I cooled down again and was alright to walk back and eat my breakfast, cold :)
We walked to the bottom of the street to wait for the bus, only 15 minutes late today :)
Then 15minutes to get the coach, seriously though I was gonna have to get off and be sick though until we set off and the air con came on I calmed down :)
Then by 6:30 we arrived back in phmom penh XD excited to go straight out!!! We told a tuk tuk to take us back to the same guesthouse as before, longlin, they're so friendly and safe and there's no other place like that in Phnom Penh! It was supposed to be $2
When we arrived they laughed that we were back but they paid our tuk tuk :D I think they know were only gonna use it as a cupboard again haha!! We transferred our money then went to an ATM... We spent far too much money in sihanoukville, the room should have been 21 and then a meal a day each and few drinks came upto $101!! More than double what I thought it would be, so all our money was gone!! Were seriously gonna have to watch our spending as its not gonna last us till thr end of the year!!!
We saw Da on the way to the atm and he was shocked to see us, even though annie already told him we were coming back? All of the atms in cambodia are out! And we have no money :( so ended up walking ages to the riverside to try 4 different ones! We finally got one that worked! Then went back to have yellow noodles in our guesthouse, of course! Then I got showered and ready to go out!
We went to two colours where we met Din and Da, Din was also surprised to see us, even though he said yesterday on Facebook, I will see you tomorrow? I dunno I think he thought we were joking? Anyway caught up with them there for a while before we went to Blue Chilli, and then Heart Of Darkness Club we had such a good night, one malibu down me and I instantly felt better!! Ive found my cure! Or maybe I've found what was making me I'll, not enough alcohol, it must be good for me? Ha!
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