Got up around 11:00 we were knackered from travelling all day yesterday. Got ready and packed and went to check out of the guesthouse, awks! They were asking us why we're leaving where we want to go etc... It's so awkward how do you say, your rooms are filthy and staff are as thick as pig s***? Without sounding rude! :/
Anyway the owner ended up giving us a tuk tuk ride! We just said we want to be closer to the river so he took us... He dropped us at a guesthouse we'd seen in lonely planet, it was horrible! And had a shared bathroom and was the same price as our last guesthouse in siem reap but had nothing on the room! So we walked down the street, went to get breakfast and ask some advice from the waitress, this has always worked in the past!! ;)
She recommended longlin guesthouse it's in the centre of everything, 5 minute walk to the Grand Palace, Temples, the river and all the restaurants! And it's $6 a night again: sold!
We viewed an upstairs room first which didn't have a bathroom, you had to walk across the hall!! No way am I walking past ten other rooms when I get out of my shower just to get to my room! So she showed us the downstairs room which was more expensive, then I haggled and she gave us it for the same price! :D
This room hardly had a bathroom either though, it has a cupboard which is underneath the main staircase, it has a toilet and a tap sticking out of the wall. That is it! No sink! No mirror! Nothing...
But, at least it's in the room!
Around 2 o'clock we went to see the central market. We walked there not having a clue where we were going, the receptionist said its only four blocks down and it's left, right, then left! Easy enough? We still had to ask for help! It's because road signs and markings are non existent in Cambodia you could be anywhere and every single street looks the same!
On the way, 3 doors down from our guesthouse there's a sweatshop! It's like an alley way with garage door! There's about 20 women in there all sat on the floor all knitting the same pair of tan coloured chino's! They were hundreds of pairs just lying around everywhere, poor women are working like machines!!!
We made it though... I bought a pair of denim shorts for $4! I could not believe the price, I would have paid £30-40 in Topman! I also found a pair of Beats by Dre white earphones, the ones that are £80 on I haggled her down to €6!!! That's £3.82!!!! Slight difference in price! I can't use earphones though now I've pierced my tragus, they don't fit in! :(
Two hours at the market, we walked back home and looked in the boutique next door, i ended up walking away with another pair of royal blue chino shorts for €10! From $12 though... This is the most I've ever paid for one purchase in Asia, so far!
We sat and had dinner at our guesthouse, it's reasonable prices but a really nice meal! I had yellow fried noodles with egg, and pork!! Same same but different plate! I could live off of noodles!!
That night we took a walk down the street to two colours bar, and had a screwdriver cocktail, really not as amazing as it sounds, just vodka orange! :( we met Da, the owner of the bar and his friend Din who was sat opposite us and just walked up-to us for chat :)
He told us where was good to go, so we stuck with them and at midnight we left to go to Blue Chilli bar, both bars were dead! :/ we tried to drink as fast as we could until we got drunk enough to say let's go dance! :D so we left for a club called heart of darkness! I loved this place! The music is really good, the atmosphere is really friendly and they serve jäger bombs!!!!! Never leaving here! :D
After dancing far too many hours here, we left to go to pontoon club! I ran into two lovely Asian girls they were so funny! I lost everybody, they had all gone so I was with them for the most random hour of my life! Plaiting there hair's on the dance floor!! :/
When everyone turned up again, we went to eat... At a street around the corner from the club which is full of food stalls... Everyone was eating chicken wings! Bleugh! Il stick to my noodles! :) after this we ended up going to Din's house! I forgot he told me he was an architect so we expected a typical old building like most of the homes here in Cambodia but no, a rooftop apartment! Heaven! Never leaving! And we didn't until the next day!! :D
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