It's our last day with Boof and Nikki, god how four days goes quick! Forgot how great it is to hang with people that you know, so easy. Today l hadn't planned anything, thought we'd just hang out at the park. Nikki being the thoughtful gal she is had brought some texta markers with her and wanted the girls to draw on her belly for the baby. The girls were beyond excited and had a great hour drawing on their Aunty Ninny's belly. The drawings were so cute, many photos were taken. Of course Nik had to wear white shorts though, so they ended a bit techno colored by the end! So the girls then thought it was only fair that their Aunty Ninny should do a picture in their belly. They giggled silly as the texta's tickled their bellies. Such a beautiful thing to have shared together, will cherish that memory for life. Can't wait to meet my new nephew, well that's what l reckon she's having so l'm sticking to a boy! Lol.
This evening we're meeting Billy, Dale and Soul for a little farewell and bday party for Boof, so Nik thought she'd make a cake with the girls for Boof. Again, the girls had a ball with their Aunty Ninny. They especially liked licking the bowl out! Since l didn't have a cake tin, we ended up doing little cupcakes in the weber. They turned out better than expected with hardly any burnt in the bottom! So we thought we could whip some cream for the middle of the cupcakes. God we were stupid. It was 35oC and weren't in any air conditioned kitchen. We whipped the cream for ten minutes, nothing. It ended up separating and was runny as anything! Why did we not think about the heat when deciding to whip cream? Was a hoot still. They girls favorite thing, apart from licking the bowl, was decorating the cupcakes with smarties and choc freckles!
After lunch we all just hung by the pool and waited for Marty to get back from work. Boof and the girls had a blast having their last splash together while Nik and l lounged on the chairs watching. Then before we knew it, Marty was home and Billy and Dale turned up. Off to Nightcliff we went and had a beautiful and fun time over fish and chips. We watched a great sunset, had a few beers and totally relaxed and chilled together. The girls had a great time chucking the frisby to each other, great grassed area. At the end we sung happy bday to Boof and hoofed our cupcakes down. The girls have Boof their cards they'd made them which l think he was chuffed over. Then it was time to head home, a few long grasses (aboriginal homeless people) were starting to come by to camp for the night.
It was so good to have has Boof and Nikki come stay, we miss them terribly and have all decided that 9 months is way too long not to see each other. So a pack has been made that no longer than 6 months is allowed not to see each other max! This four days has been great, especially spending time with Billy, Dale and Soul. Has felt like a family, something that we've not felt for sometime. Love Boof and Nik terribly and can't wait to see them again after New Years, where we will fly up to meet the newest member of the family. So excited!!!
Said our goodbyes that night as Marty's going to drop them off to the airport in the morning before work. Wish it could have been longer, but such a great time we've all had together!
Bell Xxx
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