Chitsa was a days drive north east over hot dry cactus covered mountains. The day was kind of foot all the way down for 10 - 15 minutes then onto the brakes for the way down - is there anywhere in SA that is flat! Buccaneers Retreat where we stayed didn't help as it consisted of a series of bungalows on the side of a hill. The owner build these and planted trees and other plants to make the place lush without spoiling the views of 17km white sand beach and the lagoon. Every so often when travelling you come across a place that attracts real travellers and interesting people - this was it.
The place had it's perks, free wine/ activity evening plus a good bar to end up in later on. The first night we played with Waynes 'bouls' but the second night we got too drunk by the time a team could be musterd so we did the wine evening. By the third night we just started drinking the wine. It was over one of these glasses that a plan was formulated to go to the Burning Man festival in Nevada USA with Erin and friends (lets see if this happens).
The place had interesting wildlife to. Surfing snails - yep that is correct - they actually surf (and a notice on the beach says they are here). I saw these when out surfing myself, they are in control of when they want to catch a wave or stay put on the beach. They extend themselves out of the shell making a 'surf board'. If there is a group of them, some will go for a surf whilst the others use the 'surf board' to stay put on the sand.
One morning we were awoken to a lot of banging on the roof, with a fusty head I went out to see Monkey warfare on the roof (two rivals were having it out on my roof when I had an hangover). For the final day we set out along the beach to see the dunes. Whilst we were on the top we saw some dolphins surfing the waves - special.
It was a wonderful fun stay, I am missing the balcony already.
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