Cape Town is rather windy! Table Mountain looms up out of the city - it is fact bang in the centre of the city. We were told that we had to head up as soon as the clouds over the mountain (called the table cloth) and the winds were beneficial.
Of course the day we got there it was clear but the next day had gale force winds and the table cloth. We got a place with a balcony overlooking the mountain and were in a god spot to see the mountain and the more interesting table cloth. The table cloth just clings to the mountain exactly like dry ice would if placed at the summit. It looks very strange, a red blob in the sky or eerie looking at full moon.
The locals seem to treat the mountain like Everest, "you are not walking up?" and other horror stories. In fact it was the easiest path walk I have done in the mountains and you would be hard pressed to hurt yourself if you tried. We actually walked it from the backpackers it was that close. Top of the mountain is not flat (strangely) but it had fantastic views and really interesting plants etc.
We did not do much else apart from going down to the waterfront and checking out the nice restaurants. We had a lucky escape one day when the contents of a table were blown over the side of a restaurant balcony and landed close to where we were sat minutes before.
Cape Town was costing us loads so we were keen to get out on the trail as soon as poss. We decided to hire a car for 28 days to see the country and get to Jobourg.
The first point of call was Simons town on the peninsular, a place with a strange backwater feel, but good ale! The penguins were cute. Being this far South and having traveled from the equator it seemed only right to visit the Cape of Good Hope (that cost us). This was a very pretty place.
Heading back up we had a real job finding the backpackers which led to a stroke of luck. The person we asked for directions had a guest house and suggested we stayed there. The problem was that we said that we could not afford the normal cost. After stating what our normal budget, she offered it to us at the quarter of the price. So we ended up in a luxury place with good wine from the vineyard, a beach, sunset, coffee and sky TV.
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