Day 97 - Koh Samui
Its cloudy again this morning :( Si goes into the bathroom and is startled by a tokay gecko (the same sort that we had in our bathroom on Gili Meno) he rushed back into the bedroom to get me and I ran as fast as I could into the bathroom! He'd been hiding behind the toilet and Si lifting the seat had disturbed him (I dont know who got more of a shock Si or the gecko!) I saw him run along the wall and out of the wooden slats to outside, he was so fast! Hopefully he'll come back tonight so we can maybe get a picture of him :)
We go and grab some breakfast and one of the guys that runs the place tells us that they were on their scooter yesterday and the road was flooded because of the rain ... he saw a catfish swimming up the road so he caught it and it was now being cooked for his lunch HA!
As the weather isn't sunbathing weather we were planning on walking up to the main road to book our ferry tickets for koh phangan but just as we were finishing our breakfast it started raining. We headed back to the room thinking that we will wait for the rain to die off before heading out but it just got heavier and heavier!
Si took the opportunity to play one of his games and I wildlife watched out of the window and saw lots of baby frogs making their way to the pond next to our room, they were so cute only about 1-2cm's big.
We killed a bit of time watching tv and then made our way to the hotel restaurant for some dinner and had to sit inside as it was still throwing it down :( Once we'd finished our dinner we went to put our empty glasses on the bar when we saw a scorpion just on the bar next to where we'd put the glasses down. Gutted we didnt have the camera! When O came over to collect the glasses she saw it and squished it with the ashtray and then one of the cats came over to inspect what it was!
After a while more messing on the internet it was tea time so off to the bar we went, I had pancakes and Si had a Masaman curry (thai curry with potatos in it) after a good natter with the guys that run the place (we're still the only guests in the entire resort so i think they're glad of the company) and several beers we retired for the night.
After a quick inspection to make sure there were no more creepy crawlies we hit the hay hoping for some sun shine tomorrow.
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