Day 95 - Koh Samui
All the travelling over the past 2 days must have tired us out as we didnt get out of bed until gone 11 this morning. We throw some clothes on and go to the hotel restaurant for some brekkie before getting creamed up and going to lie next to the hotel pool. The aussie couple have gone out for the day so we have the pool to ourselves and make the most of it playing games and messing about for a few hours.
Much messing around in the pool worked off the breakfast so we dried off and went for some dinner and a nice refreshing drink. We had another lie down next to the pool to let our dinner settle and then ventured back into the pool for more games. We stayed in the pool until the sun went down and the clouds formed over us. The sky started to look a bit grey so we decided it was time to go and get showered and ready back in the room, which was good timing as about 5 minutes later it started pouring down!
We killed some time in the room and once we were hungry we did a quick sprint through the rain to the restaurant and since its a thai woman called O that does all of the cooking here we thought it was a good chance to try some proper thai food. Si ordered garlic and pepper beef and i ordered a thai green curry being assured by Si and the barman that green curry isnt that spicy ... they were wrong! As soon as the curry came I could see a red chilli floating in the sauce but soldiered through and just tried to eat around it. The curry was still spicy as it had chilli in it but it was manageable until I ate what I thought was a green bean which turned out to be a green chilli! My mouth was on fire! I had to drink lots of beer and eat loads of rice to make the burning stop but it did eventually go away and I finished the curry just watching more closely which ones were green beans! Aside from the chilli incident the curry was really nice and Si said his garlic and pepper dish was really nice as well.
As the bar/restaurant is outside there were lots of geckos up the wall etc and we all watched closely as one of them started to stalk a fly, sneak up on it and then eat it, we all cheered the gecko for getting the fly :)
After tea we grabbed some beers and took them back to the room to watch some programs that we've downloaded and also checked online for non spicy thai food so I'll know in future what dishes I will be able to handle!
We had a few more lizards in the room and the bathroom tonight, the frogs were outside being very vocal again but the snoring Buffalo must have still been awake when we were going to sleep as we didn't hear him tonight.
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