I've been slacking recently. My bad. Nothing really exciting happened this week until the weekend.
But I worked at the aquarium like almost everyday and the only thing I like doing there is the water test because it's almost like chemistry.
Thursday I thought I was going to die when I woke up at 3:50 in the morning to be on a boat at 5 am to drive around and find sharks. For the first 1.5 hours we towed around these boogie boards that are painted to look like a seal and an orca. They don't really resemble either animal. Everyone kinda agrees that the experiment is flawed. And dumb.
Anyhow we rotated positions and at one point I had to drive the boat. I can barely drive a car.
So that was traumatic.
After the towing fun we chummed and I finally saw a great white shark. We saw like 5. They ranged from like 2.5-3.2 meters. Quite large. A little unattractive. It was awesome that the visibility was fantastic so even when the sharks were underwater we could still watch them.
We didn't get back from chum until like 11. 4:30-11am with the same people makes for an extraordinary long day. I should've napped because by the end of the night I wanted to die. We went out to Delfino's to eat. I wasn't going to go but all the cool people were going.
Peer pressure at its finest.
Oh dear, then there was Friday. I don't think I want to elaborate too much other than to say that I got a bit too drunk. I ran into a wall, busted my lip, danced around, and spoke in a British accent saying "I'm from Harry Potter." I think that sums it up nicely. I was in bed by 10 pm while everyone else went to the bar. On the bright side, more ridiculous things happened at the bar so I didn't get talked about too much. And honestly, Moreheadians know that I've done worse. :)
I think I will stay pretty sober until New Year's Eve. I'll just laugh at everyone else. I think that's probably the best plan. Ugh.
Yesterday I literally did nothing. We ate all day. Caitlin, Eva and I walked to McDonalds and it was delicious. Macca's is better in other countries. Period.
Today I ventured out and wandered around Mossel Bay and hiked a bit. It was lovely.
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