Skydiving day. Feeling hungover so not great preparation. I know what I'll do to settle my stomach. Have a bottle of coke and two sausage and egg McMuffins, what a fool. The windy road to the jump site didn't help either really. The worry of chundering mid jump kind of took over the fear factor. My Tandem Master (what a great title, despite the fact he looked like a skydiving tramp) was Rob. He had jumped all over the world for over 30 years and said it was his favourite place. The flight was worth the money alone, especially flying around 100 metres away from the permanent glacier. The time came to jump from 12000ft and I shuffled out towards the door on my bum, rob behind me, I dangled my legs out of the plane and looked down, my lord! Then rob rocks and off we go! We did a flip in the air which is the most terrifying thing I've ever done and I will never forget those first 5 seconds. When the parachute opens rob does some spirals to get good pics and so when we hit the ground I am extremely ill, shaking and tingling and can hardly stand. But get in I've done it! I can't stop smiling and give rob a big man hug.
For dinner I headed to the famous Fergburger and enjoy the luscious lamb burger. Go out with the Bolton girls from the night before, Rachel from my dorm, Rich and Eva for Halloween in town. Go to a fluorescent party which is pretty handy as I've brought a lime green shirt at a place called Altitude bar and get covered in fluorescent paint. Head to a few of the other bars in town which are rocking and have a great time. Got chatting to a girl called Kerry from Oz too who I had a good time with.
Wake up Sunday and head to do the second part of my adrenaline weekend, the canyon swing. At the swing the fear doesn't kick in when your stood on the platform but the guys who run it are real comedians and do their bet to s*** you up, which they successfully do when I'm stood on the edge about to jump. For some unknown reason I choose to do the Pin Drop style descent, which has a 5-pant scary rating. As I stand on the edge and look down, heels together about to jump off sideways, my heart going ten to the down and shaking like a s***ting dog. Having stood scared stiff for quite a while I decide its time to go and I count down 3, 2, 1 with my eyes closed and jump! The freefall is s*** scary and gives a great adrenaline rush in equal measure, whilst the swing part is actually quite enjoyable. One of the worst parts is actually being hauled back up to the platform as the guys scare you by fannying about with the ropes and make you think you are going to fall, b******s. Anyway it's all part of the experience and I give em a big high-five when it's all over.
Anyway back in town have a coffee with a local two piece playing some tunes in the background, and have a gourmet pizza at the famous Winnies. I did make a schoolboy error by having the 2 person pizza to myself like a fat git because when the dessert menu came out turns out they do a unique dessert pizza covered in white choc, ice cream, fruit etc but I couldn't fit it in, b*****! Had already decided on an early night but I desperately needed a nap and off I drifted. Only to be woken up about a couple of hours later by a panicked Canadian bird with a torch in her hand ferreting about for something amongst all her gear. Anyway she and 3 other girls had arrived whilst I was asleep and I ended up going out with them for a couple. Ended up sitting on the wooden decking outside the hostel with one of the girls Louise from Scotland just chatting and listening to the late night lapping of Lake Wakatipu until around 2am (an early night…yeah right)
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