With my body aching from the party hard abuse since meeting up with Chris et al I decided that today would be booze free and very relaxing. Arrived in Wanaka and was blown away by the views around the lake. Despite being knackered decided to go for around around the lake so I didn't turn into a complete fatso. Without a doubt the most spectacular and beautiful place I have ever been running. It was the perfect place to relax and soaked up the sunset over the lake by sitting on a bench and updating my travel journal. Cooked a healthy lentil based tea and chatted to Tiare about various things from travels to Disney to childhood fears (mine being a moose incidentally) then had an early night.
Back on the bus to return to Queenstown and we soon stopped at the intriguing Puzzling World invented by some crazy English guy. I thought it was a really good fun value for money activity. There were funky holograms, a clever faces room, perspective room and a slopy gravity defying room which made me feel rather sick. Not to mention the world's first modern maze which was infuriating, particularly finding the exits.
Next was a stop at a fruit shop where I purchased a bag of liquorice flavoured nougat (which would be roundly rejected as I travelled up the north island) and an n ice cream made from fresh kiwi fruits which was outstanding. The last stop before Queenstown was the AJ Hackett bungy centre to mock Chris and Guy who were going to jump, I wanted to but couldn't afford it and thought I would save myself to do the second highest one in the world in South Africa next year. Anyway I picked up a Maori jade pendant which was a Hei-Matan representing strength, prosperity, abundance and…fertility! Here's hoping! Like Sam's idea of a new extreme activity called 'Clungy'.
In Queenstown a big night lay ahead as it was my last with the legendary group and bus I had spent the last 9 days with. The night started at Winnie's where I rectified the error made previously regarding the dessert pizza, unfortunately it wasn't as good as I'd hoped. The drinking and partying began in earnest at Altitude bar where Guy and Ellen both won their wet toga competitions and me and Chris had two tickets aboard the Jagertrain! With everyone sozzled we moved on to World Bar where multiple teapots were purchased and much fun and frolics were had.
Then although drunk, but not making a scene or being embarrassing (or as drunk as Chris) I was unceremoniously kicked out! I couldn't believe it. Me and Sunny hadn't even had chance to do the 'pick and shovel' dance! Several unsuccessful attempts to get back in followed, including pretending to be the boyfriend of a big girl (to put it kindly), by which time I was furious and headed back to the hostel. One of my fave nights so far cut short by bouncers…arrrrggghhhh! (Photographic evidence viewed the next day revealed a photo taken on the dancefloor of me being taken from behind by Jade, which may possibly have had something to do with me being removed haha)
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