Arrived in the Fern Lodge Hostel in Nelson which was an absolute touch, newly refurbished with roast dinner available. Also vouchers for the local pool bar, 4 beers and a shot for 7 quid, result! Our night out was sorted. However first on the agenda was teaching Chris how to use a washing machine…at the age of 31. Me, Chris, Rich, Laura, Beth and Charlotte headed out to Sharkey's pool bar armed with vouchers.
Feeling full of misplaced bravado I entered the local pool comp and got knocked out in the first round…brilliant. Although a good time was had at the bar, with various interesting/vulgar discussion topics and the revealing of Rich's incredibly camp mannerisms (complete with purple phone) the true highlight of the day was when we returned to the hostel where we behaved like 6 giggling school children away from home for the first time. Charlotte's snort-foghorn laugh and my 'German salt guy' impression causing most amusement. Even silent anticipation of stupidity with the light off caused people to titter.
The day started with Chris's alarm at 6:30am ready for kayaking in the Abel Tasman Park, which triggered me going for my morning evacuation. Chris later told me he had heard the first drop and started giggling…the juvenile humour continued. At the kayaking centre Chris decided he needed a hat to prevent his slap head from getting sunburnt and so Gareth, one of our guides, presented him with a pink beanie, which would later provide a hilarious sunburn mark across his forehead. Me and Rich teamed up in a tandem kayak and it was decided that he would go at the back and steer, what an error; he was bloody useless, particularly getting beached in some bulrushes. By the time lunch came round my back was killing me, which was not ideal when I was told we weren't even halfway. Lunch was had on an idyllic beach followed by a short walk up to the head to look over the inlet. Classically on the way back down in conversation with the fit Swedish guide behind I walked straight into an overhanging branch, obviously I stayed cool on the outside and made a joke of it but it bloody hurt.
Anyway back in the kayak I became driver and did a far better job, despite the odd rock collision. We saw seals and a blue penguin which was cool. Post-kayak absolutely crippled the local shop had Orgasmic Ice Cream stocked whose flavours included Virgin Vanilla and Strawberry Seduction. The coach ride back to Nelson was driven by a local over-knowledgeable mumbler who really tested the patience after a long day. I was so desperate to get off that I left my fleece on the bus having used it as a pillow, not that I realised until the next evening. On the bus ride back we got to know a fellow kayaker Guy, a cop from Auckland, who would become an excellent replacement/addition for the now departed Charlotte. Back at the hotel we sampled the excellent roast which notably had roast pumpkin with it which will definitely be introduced back home. Exhausted I had an early night, and apparently Chris did fart next to my bed when he came in and I subconsciously giggled and pulled the covers over my nose, so I was told the next day.
Decided to have a relaxing day given the previous day's exertions and so me, Guy, Laura and Beth headed to the beach. Decided to go for a run with Beth for the first bit of fitness since I left home on the beach barefoot. 2 mins in I cut my foot and yet carried on, not a great idea. Having done the run decided to balance it out with a KFC from the restaurant we saw yesterday from the bus which had a giant bucket outside with the Colonel on it, if nothing else just to annoy Chris the lazy bar-steward who was just dossing back at the hostel. Unfortunately the ultra-fine and from the beach had blown into my camera lens and it wouldn't work, 11 days in and the new camera broken, fantastic. Thought the only way it could be fixed would be to us a hoover back at the hostel, which would be an interesting enquiry to make back at reception…but the plan did work! Me and Rich walked up to the centre of New Zealand before dinner as it would have been a shame not to. During evening pre-drinks outside it was a little chilly and so I went to get my fleece, which is when I realised I left it on the bus, the day gets better. Went out in town with Simon, Stacey and Ruth some fellow travellers who we had met in the hostel and ended up in the Little Rock bar/club and had a cracking drunken time. Back at the hostel Guy made some pasta but left the afters in a pan under my bed interestingly and wouldn't stop rambling on about sausage rolls…idiot. By the way, also ripped the top button off my jeans, just top off my good luck day
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