Woke up early to go for a run which turned out to be more eventful than anticipated. As I got to the end of Lake Rotorua I was attacked by two tyrannous seagulls which sent me scurrying into the trees! Think I will be nervous of them evermore.
Arrive in Auckland mid-afternoon and Gilly and I decided to head up the Skytower as it was the city's premier attraction. The views across the 4th biggest city in the world by area were fantastic, however seeing people do the Skyjump down the tower and looking down made me feel queasy to say the least. Gilly wasn't coping well with the glass floors either. Did have a beer in the café though which I reckoned must be the highest beer I've ever had!
Gilly had seen some Kiwi experience buddies at Base where she was staying and so we decided to have some drinks with them in the hostel bar. I was supposed to be meeting Queenstown Kate (and her fella) but had had no reply to my text. Met Gilly and Monica (who we had stayed with in Taupo) and what was supposed to be a quiet one turned out to be very interesting.
First of all this bar had pole dancing poles in and a random girl walked in and just started doing some eye popping moves, hanging upside down etc. We were all transfixed and amazed and to this day not really sure why she was there or why she was doing it lol. Then Kate and her fella Dan turned up out of the blue, she hadn't received my text (or so she said!) Dan was a cracking bloke, typically Irish, and we had a great laugh. Meanwhile Miss Globe bar was happening on the stage, which consisted of 6 girls from different countries doing increasingly more outrageous things to win a load of free drinks.
Well the whole bar watched and cheered. Miss Japan was incredible, especially her body (Rich Davies very much came to mind with his penchant for Asian ladies). Random guys were pulled out of the audience for the rounds, which included; a lap dance, and my personal favourite a Crunchie where your old fella would be and the girls had to suck as much chocolate off it as they could without it breaking. Not a show for the feminists! By the end of the competition I had hit the red wine and spirits and was ready to dance. Kate and Dan were the last ones left and decided to leave me to my devices.
Back at the hostel around an hour and half later some tart had nicked my bed! Outraged but too tired to do anything about it I found the only spare bed in the dorm and went to sleep, knowing I had to get up and do some washing before Sally and Shand came in the morning.
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