Jono's Travels
We are heading back to Athens today, this does mean another 6 hour ferry ride back to the mainland. A semi early morning as well starting at about 5:45 for a shower and getting our bags ready by 6:30 to catch a ride to the ferry. Unfortunately one of our guys didn't make it back to the hotel in time, and therefore said he would make his own way back to Athens. So off we went to the ferry. It's sad to leave a such relaxing place but all good things must come to an end, but it's only going to be an end until we see our next amazing place... The Acropolis and Pathernon. We caught the ferry across and as this was a 6 hour trip it gave me plenty of time to finish of the blog entries for the past couple of days, so I'm all caught up again on that, it also gave me a chance to backup the 3356 photos is taken into my portable drive, just in case the worst happens like it did last year and loose the camera, but that shouldn't happen. After all that, I thought I would catch a quick nap. As we weren't allowed to stretch out along the seats I laid on the ground and but my legs under one chair and the rest of my body under the other and began to dose. About 20 minutes later I woke to my Hard Drive and Eloise's charger falling onto my chest, I was just in 2 cases here. Firstly the drive and power charger fell on me and not the hard floor, and secondly I didn't freak out and jump up and smack my head on the chair. We arrived at the port in Athens a little before 1pm and waited for Ronnie to bring the bus, as we waited a couple of locals rode past us on a bike and called out "Hello Tourists", they then turned around and came past again and said it again, this time a couple of our guys said "Hello Locals" and off they went, or so we thought. Once again they came past us and said it again "Hello Tourists" and then one last time they zoomed past pulling a wheelie. As Ronnie arrived we hoped onto the bus and made our way onto the bus and headed back to the hotel, the same place we stayed the last time we were in Athens. Upon checking in we took our bags to the rooms and some of us organised to meet downstairs at 2pm and head to the Acropolis. Sabrina hadn't seen it herself yet either so it was a good opportunity for her to look at it too. It was relatively easy to catch the train there as Athens only has 3 train lines, all of which cross each other's path at one point or another, our train took us right there, so we only had to wait for 4 stops before we had to get off the train and head into the heat of the sun. We took a walk up and finally found the entrance, which wasn't really labelled from the street where we were, someone just happened to have spotted the entrance as we walked past it. 20 Euros got us in to take a look around. We headed up the stone and marble path which we were told to wear good footwear as it was quiet slippery, well that seem to help as I'm sure each of us got a few near misses of falling over on our *****. Sabrina and Sharie both touched part of one of the marble columns which are over 2400 years old, but were quickly told off by a security person, my thoughts... If they don't want people to touch it, put up some signs. We continued to the Pathernon, this is probably the most recognisable icon for Athens. We posed for some photos and Sharie was able to get her jumping photo, and I did my handstand photo, as I came down I heard a dreaded whistle that I heard back in Machu Picchu last year, I knew exactly what that meant. I went up the the guy and he asked Sharie to delete the photos of me, little did he realise that Fabian was actually taking photos as well, so either way we got them. I asked him what the problem was and he said they couldn't have any photos of athleticism in front of the Pathernon. It didn't bother Sharie either, as she just went to the restore deleted photos option. We continued to get more photos around the Acropolis, and as I put the LOL Duck down to get a photo of him in front of it, a lady came up and said "No sir, your not allowed photos of objects in front of the Pathernon", I responded, "What about me, I'm an object". Her response "Your fine sir, your superman, your allowed" in case you didn't work it out I was wearing my superman shirt. It's such a silly rule, but didn't worry me too much, already got a photo of LOL Duck at the Acropolis anyway. By this time it was getting really hot so we started to head back down to find Sharie who had headed down to find some shade as she wasn't feeling too good in the heat. We found her and continued walking down and took a look at this big rock, apparently where the wise mean came to discuss stuff and pass judgement, after which we headed down and found some needed relief, frozen lemonade and shade. Both the shade and frozen lemonade provided us all with a second wind and we headed down toward the metro station but not before stopping past a stall to buy some stuff, Fabian brought a pin for Tim, seeing Tim was back at the hotel, and he got himself a magnet, where I got myself a pair of sunglasses as both the pair I brought over with me have broken along the way. Chances are these ones will as well, but they were cheap enough and I just need the to last a little which longer. We got back to the hotel and some of us jumped on the wifi, while a couple headed off to get a feed as they hadn't eaten all day. Upon them returning they found me still siting in the hallway on the wifi, it was really the first decent amount of time I had been on it in a week or so, so I was uploading the blog entries and looking though Instagram etc. they decided to join and do their wifi stuff as well, the hallway seemed to be one of the better places to do so as Wifi in our rooms was terrible. Sabrina came out and busted us all our phones being social, but not with each other. An hour or so later we headed off to get some dinner as we were all getting pretty hungry. Sharie and Meg took us down the road to this place where they had found some food earlier that afternoon, Gyros. Quite a filling meal and delicious as well, followed up by an ice creme before heading back to the hotel and onto the roof for one last drink at the hotel overlooking Pathernon again. By this stage our missing group member had just arrived back and looking pretty tired so I took him up to the room so he could shower and change before he joined us on the roof and then took off to grab some food. Athens, you were wonderful to visit. Hot, but so worth seeing.
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