Hola after a couple of days of missing doing my blog I’m writing from Calzadia la Lequeza a small town just 17 kms from Carrion where we stayed last night. Raewyn is doing a brilliant job at finding us gems of accommodation because the Camino is quite busy nearly a thousand pilgrims arrived in Santiago de Compostela yesterday according to our Aussie mate who we catch up with now and again. There is a website that tries to count but it can’t be accurate when people are coming and going all the time. We will walk a bit further tomorrow to keep up the ( loose) schedule.
Dinner last night was a highlight with shrimps and the famous fried potatoes and salad delicious. You can get a bit tired go the pilgrim menu which is pretty similar everywhere. Lunches on the track are good - cheeses and dates and fruit and of course dark chocolate we even had wine to wash it down today!
The weather has been great we’ve had no rain since the start and the mornings are fresh but lovely sunshine all day.
A highlight yesterday in a small village we saw a religious procession. celebrating the patron saint of agriculture. The priest led and All the congregation of the church must have been there with the men carrying the statue of the saint on their shoulders and all sang . It was great to be there.
Tomorrow we go to Sahagun which is quite a large town andRaewyn has spun her magic and got us a hotel room with our own bathroom the luxury of it then it will be back to dormatory style hostel. This is ok as long as there are not too many snorers.
Time to go and tidy umm bag before we go out on the ‘town’ for something to eat. Cheers till next time from the Camino love Jean
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Kezia Reply to messages on the message board please great blog xxxx