It's Ben another hard day while we get used to the distances and carrying rucksacks. The pic is Roger by the river Tagus where we walked for much of the day....note the massive power station in the background. But rather than moan about our aches and pains - I'll save that for anothe blog with gruesome pictures - a little about the of the nice people we've met along the way. A lovely lady who gave us cake and asked us to pray for her in Santiago, a young man who has done the Camino who helped us find a cafe and an older Swiss couple who had an even worse time than us on their first day. She had fallen three time and had horrible bumb on her head and a black eye...mind you R thought the husband looked a bit suspicious. We get lots of. waves and honks on the horn from passers by and R flies are definitely done up so they'd must be showing friendship for the peregrinos. An early observation is that the Portuguese seem a bit more serious than the Spanish and certainly use their manners more. Anyway, it's Saturday night and it's 9.30 so time for bed.
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