Ian & Claire's Adventure
Day 5
We woke up yet agin in the rain and drove to a little place called Hope, a bizarre blink and you'd miss it one truck town. Populated by RV owning fishermen all fly fishing in the water, dodging the mozzies, took some great piccies, grabbed a coffee in the (only)bar and left.
On the way back as the weather had improved we drove over to Exit glacier we first saw it fromn the raod a beautiful bright blue glacier surrounded by spruce(looked like a huge blue slush puppy) we drove up, parked for a mere $5 and got to hike over to within a couple of metres, it was spoectacular.
On our wander back we met a ranger who suggested we go Moose watching at twighlight(10pm ish) along the raod, so we legged it back cooked food then went back to moose hunt. After an hour or so of wandering through tundra (very foolishly) we saw nothing but moose poo. we gave up but low and behold nearly ran one over on the drive back, a fairly big femal, unfortunately no horns.
We got back to the campsite to a group of young bling-bling homeys having a party. We ended up lying in the tent laughing at the noise of a very drunk birthday boy rowing with his girlfriend but rapping as he did. Luckily we kept our earpugs.
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