Never guess who I found? ... Someone who's apparently spent a lot of time in the sun... Without the company of Sun screen...
A very red, peeled, Moses Bloody Hutchinson! He's alive!
Back in Dunedin, I figured it was time to pick up my feet again... I'd gotten comfortable... A little too comfortable... To the point that I'd have happily stayed forever. The two weeks I'd spent there flew by so quickly!
Sorry, I'm writing this blog, and the dude next to me is munching his toast whilst humming and looking over. Never know what to do in these situations... Do I just join in with the humming? Or do I ram his toast down his throat so he stops? He's doing that stupid, non rhythmic humming, the type of hum that's just a vibration in your ear hole... But with added toast munching in between. Worse than the bloody parrot!
Anyway so that's the toast guy... Dunedin. Yeah, it's safe to say I loved it there. Even the bus stop was beautiful. I worked my 'tourist' status to the max, started taking pictures of the bus station. Felt Japanese! They bloody love their cameras! Take pictures of everything, they do. See a crack in the pavement, 'snap', a banana skin 'snap'... cheese sandwich 'snap'. What do they even do with all their pictures?
I spent my last day making use of the town, stocked up on some bits! Then had dinner with Danny & Tracey. Was so lovely chatting to them! They have a really cool way of looking at life, and people... And I totally understand their views. Kinda wish I'd had a vino with them, but I went heavy a couple of nights before hand... So I had to ease up on the goods... Else I wouldn't have any brain cells left for good! Not even a little, brain cell-ette!
Couple of nights before, I'd gone out on the lash mate. This kinda stemmed from a couple of things, the fact that I'd been pretty well behaved in terms of boozing out, Danny & Tracey would've probably appreciated a little alone time (now that the kids had gone to their other homes), and I was in need of a distraction, to take my mind off the fact, I'D LOST MY PASSPORT. Holy s***.
I'm losing my mind... It's not in the last place I left it. In my bag. It's not in any weird pockets, or under the bed... The happy couple come home from their lovely meal together, to find me in the kitchen, wide eyed and pale, calming my nerves with a couple of spoonfuls of left over curry from the night before (was bloody good curry, nice work Dan!)... They made a couple of calls, reported my passport 'missing', Sat me down with a glass of wine. We decided, the best thing for me to do would be to take my mind off the whole, horrid thing, and drink my sorrows away.
Seems logical. Yes.
We chilled. Had a couple of glasses of wine (real yummy stuff too, one for the Xmas list... *cough* hint *cough* hint) and then they gave me a lift into town (don't worry! Tracey wasn't drinking). They dropped my off into the Octagon, or as Moses would call it 'The Bermuda Triangle'...
I got lost in a sea of kiwis and wine... Ended up hanging out with these chaps from Barbados, who were down for a cricket match. Had the best time. They were super generous too! Kept buying me drinks, 2 at a time. We went to this club, and I started getting smart with my dance moves... May have whipped out a leg hold... And moonwalk... Which they found hilarious.
So it seems, I didn't return until morning. Danny saved me. Picked me up from the Octagon... I was easy to find. Homeless looking blonde, British lass... clutching hold of a chocolate milkshake.
"Hi, you stink."
"Want some croissants?"
I needed a naughty breakfast to soak these umpteen glasses of wine, swilling in my belly. My head was hurting bad. Felt like I'd been dropped on it. Maybe I had?!
The croissants had worked... But their magical powers reminded me that I still hadn't found my sodding passport.
I eventually found it. It was same goddamn size as the Art Gallery Brochure in my bag, and had slipped in between one of the pages. Could've killed someone. But I had my passport, so I was in a happy place.
I arose from my hangover den... And found a group of people all in the living room. It was Tracy's mum's 60th birthday, and they were all dressed up real smart to go to this snazzy Manor House type place. Surprisingly, I received an invite. They convinced me that the best way to rid a hangover, is to get on the sauce again. Sure, okay :) . The place we visited for dinner and booze was so cool. This little Irish bird was running the place, she was cracking us all up, bless her.
They were a real awesome bunch of people. Just so easy to talk to... Some of them were gunna be spending Xmas with Danny & Tracey. So I'll get to see them again for that!! :)
I booked myself a bus trip to Queenstown before I drank them completely, clean out of wine. They'd made me a packed lunch for my travels, which was undoubtedly the best packed lunch ever. They're so good at lunching. Should definitely open up a sandwich shop or something.
The drive up to Queenstown was epic. The size of the mountains we drove through were God's cleavage. GINORMOUS these things were. And the bluest lake I'd ever seen. Tracey was telling me that it turns this magical blue/turquoise colour because of all the minerals in the water. So crazy. So yeah, I got all 'Japo' on the situation, camera came out.
I settled my bags. Feels a bit weird being in a 10bed dorm again... Phore! And what a welcoming I got... Smelly boys. WHOFT! It ain't pretty guys. I ventured out and made a call to a dear friend of mine... MOSEY!!
Ended up meeting him by the steam boat, and he took me round to a bar he was in the other njght. COWBOYS. So many cowboy themed things. They had a Bucking Broncos thing, the seats were saddles, they had guns for the draught beer pully thing, bullets, huge stuffed animals, big bear, moose a cow... It was mental this place. So we sat down and let loose on our crazy stories. Moses needs to log his on here. They're crazy funny. Alison, Ivan, you should be proud parents. This kid's got balls.
Gunna go and see him in a bit. He'll have to put up with my antics yet again!
Queenstown, party, adventure pad... Do me proud. Bring it on kiwis.
- comments
Hannah AWESOME HEV!!! This never fails to make me giggle :)