Leg 8: race 12 day 2
Woken at 5.40 up on deck for 6am had porridge on deck. The spinnaker was up and had been since around 3am we were in around 6th place and through the course of the morning went to 12th then back up to 5th. We had to take the spinnaker down around 9am as a little tear in it and poor sophie had to be woken up to fix it.
I came down below to help Matt wool it but started to make me feel really sick so had to go on deck again. It started raining and heard thunder. Got soaking wet!
Finished shift at 10 felt a little better and had a small bowl of pasta. I was on standby watch so washed up cleaned heads and bilges and did log every hour felt so tired and ached from all the physical work and lack of food !
Couldn't wait to go for my 4 hours off at. 2pm
As I lay in my bunk could feel the thudding of the waves and was more throwing me from side to side not rocking! The wind had picked up sounded like we were going really fast! I could hear the noise of he waves rushing along the side of the boat like we were on a fast water slide. I much prefer sedate conditions and flat sea! Maybe I am not a racer! Mind you can't wait to get across this ocean and say I have done it. I know I have said it before but I take my hat off to the round worlders.
Back on deck at 6pm we hoisted the spinnaker and make some good progress. Then on watch change over we took the spinnaker down and hoisted back the Yankee 1 and staysail. Carl has hurt his wrist so is finding it difficult to grind.
In bed just after 10pm and straight to sleep. Slept so well and was woken at 5.30 am the next day
Miles covered 263 speed 8.2- 12.8
Wind 11- 37 knots
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