Semesters here are opposite to Australia so now is Semester 2 (Feb-June). I'm taking 5 classes, which equals to four at UNSW and us the full load here. Overall they've got off to a good start and I'm interested in the topics so hope they will be good!
1. Chinese Religion - Teacher is male and Chinese with a doctorate in Chinese philosophy - Both lecture and tutorial in one 3 hour block but with short breaks! - Tiny classroom no more than 4mt wide! - Only 12 people in our class - No other exchange students to begin with but week 2 Elli joined, she's from Czech Republic and seems lovely! - 50% exam and 50% in class assessments including essay and presentation (I'm doing about Confucianism with Elli)
2. Modern Indian Social History - Class is taught in Malay but I explained my passion for topic to lecturer and he said he will teach me one-on-one! - Teacher is male and Indian with background in Indian history and politics - another girl Chitose from Japan will do one-on-one but seperate,y since English isn't the best - our first couple of sessions have been great! I think I'm going to learn a lot! - 50% exam and 50% in class assessments including essay, tests and presentations (I'm doing about Gandhi)
3. Culture and Society of Korea - Teacher is male, Korean and teaches a lot of the East Asia courses here and seems to really love Korea! - Both lecture and tutorial in one 3 hour block but with breaks - A lot more students in this class. Probably 50 total with like 10 exchange students which is nice! A girl named Summer from China is super lovely. I've also made a friend called Rami from Palestine - Classroom is a large auditorium where our seats take up about half the space - 50% exam and 50% in class assessments including attendance and an essay
4. Gender, Science and Technology - Teacher is female, Malay and is doing her doctorate in gender studies - Both lecture and tutorial on same day but even if 2 hour lecture ends 30mins early we sir and wait til 11am to start 1hr tutorial which is annoying - Again a smaller class, only about 15 with 2 males only. 2 other exchange students though, Suzi from Brunei and Anjani from Indonesia - Classroom is again very narrow but long, similar to Chinese religion room - 60% exam and 60% in class assessments including essay, tests and group assignment
5. Lifecycle Nutrition - Teacher is male, Indian and teaches Bio subjects mostly - It's a 2 credit course (rather than 3) so only 2 hours of class. One on Tuesday and one on Thursday. Both are meant to go one hour however lecturer is usually late by minimum 15 mins and finishes at 4:50! - This is my biggest class, I would estimate 200 students. It is just lecture style teaching so we are in a theatre that has old wooden architecture and slopes downwards in a very panopticon-style setup! - 60% exam and 40% in class assessments including 2 tests and an essay
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