Apart from rain on Friday, this week has been really nice, so we've been out doing some walking in the nearby parks and at the reservoir. It's also been a good week for getting more free things for our apartment, so we are now pretty much fully furnished!
On Wednesday morning we went for a walk at another park Graham had found near to our home.It has a mini water wheel and a small board walk wetlands area and is very relaxing.We shall definitely be spending lots of time there in the summer.Many flowers are in bloom now, so the area is looking very pretty, and within a few weeks there should be more flowers too.It was such a warm day, but the Koreans are still wrapped up in their big coats, and many of them cover their faces with huge sun visors.Some are so huge that they look like Darth Vador!They seem to really feel the cold, and they like to hide out of the sun - I guess it's the same as in most of Asia, they want to keep their skin as white as possible.Whereas the westerners are all out looking for the sun and trying to get a tan (not me of course - I still only go red!)
Early in the week we were given a small cooker from a friend of a friend.All of the buttons were in Korean though, so Graham spent time on Google translate, working out what everything meant and then put stickers over the buttons with the English translation written on them.This is much better than the 'pot luck' system we were originally using!We are looking forward to being able cook some different meals now.
On Thursday a few of us went out for dinner after work to a great chicken and pizza restaurant.The Koreans at the table next to us asked Graham and my co-worker Chris to go and sit with them, so they did and were given lots of free drinks!Even though there are quite a few westerners around, we're still quite a novelty, and people love to talk to us, if they are brave enough.I think this group had drunk so much that they had some 'Dutch courage.'After the meal we went for a quick game of darts with our friend Andrew.He won both games with me coming last in the first game, but Graham coming last in the second game.I had one very lucky round in which I scored 2 triple 20's and a single 20.That will never happen again!As we walked home at about 2am, Graham asked us to take a slight detour to see a sofa which had been put out for anyone to take for free.It was still there, outside the pharmacy that had thrown it out, and in 2 parts that fitted together, so we decided to take it.We must have looked pretty funny, carrying the 2 halves on our backs up the hill to our apartment (like turtles) but unfortunately I did not have my camera with me!After a few stops and much manoeuvring up the stair case we eventually got them into our apartment with Andrew's help.The next morning Graham cleaned the sofas up, and they look great. (see photos)They even match the table and chairs which we already had, and will fit 4 or 5 people.So, we are ready to host parties now, or at least have guests over.
On Friday night, I went out with a friend for dinner and Graham went to play some pool with the lads.We then met up later at our local: Millertime, for a few more drinks before heading home, as Graham had an early start the next day.He went with a couple of friends to a friendly motorbike workshop to collect our friends recently fixed bike.Graham has been given a broken motorbike for free, and the shop owner has said he can keep it at the shop and go and work on it whenever he likes and borrow tools, to see if he can get it working again.So, Graham went along to meet the guy and just 'hang out' at the garage (you can imagine his excitement!)Some other friends went along on their bikes too and took Graham out for a spin, so he's really looking forward to more 'hanging out' at the garage and the possibility of having a working bike for free soon.I was also very happy that he was occupied for the day, as it meant I could chill out at home and relax on our new sofa.I watched a few episodes of Desperate Housewives and read lots of my book - it was bliss!So, I look forward to more Saturdays like this one - works perfectly for both of us.
Saturday evening we went to 'Rock-N-Rhymes' gig to see 5 bands, over near one of the Universities in Gwangju.My ex co-workers band were playing (Feed the Boats) plus some other rock and hip-hop bands.Before we went out, we had friends over for drinks at our place, and to show off the new sofa!We had a great night, and I did lots of dancing.On Sunday morning my back was killing me!Some of the Korean teachers from my school were out too, so it was nice to see them out of work.
After a lie in on Sunday we went out for a walk, as it was another beautiful day.We went to the reservoir, and there was a church group giving out eggs for Easter.We were given a couple of boxes with 2 eggs in each - hard boiled, not chocolate though!We had just been saying how strange it is that there are so many churches in Korea and so many practising Christians, but they don't seem to make much of the Christian festivals.Easter is not a public holiday and there are no signs of Easter eggs, chicks or bunnies anywhere.And then we were given boiled eggs - made some great egg mayonnaise sandwiches!Apparently they do not really celebrate Christmas either.I think they get Christmas Day off, but that is it.That's going to strange for us, Christmas away from home……
So, the rest of Sunday was spent relaxing on the new sofa and watching movies.Whilst sitting in the lounge I noticed a woman on the hill opposite us planting something.Graham said he has seen this happening a lot.We guess that as people don't have their own gardens, they just pick a piece of public land where they think people won't walk and plant vegetables there.So, I look forward to seeing what she has planted!
Today is test day at my school, so no teaching and a slightly later start as no prep to do.So, in at 4.10pm and then spending the day writing tests for next month.Adds a bit of variation to the job, but the kids don't like it as they are tested every month.It's very stressful for them.
Maggie x
- comments
Paul awesome about the bike, didn't realise it was a freebie...always said Graham would end up being the muscle at some korean bike shop...nice one skipper and now I've got a bike mechanic when you get back!