Wow what a crazy few weeks. Basically Ive been working a lot which is great because its busy and it means lots of money. Mel and I have been to see New Moon at the cinema twice now - we love it hehe. We have also been weighing ourselves every week and losing about 2 pounds a week which is great. It is so hot here (29-35 degrees) so we think we are just sweating it off hehe. Mel and I went shopping last week and both got into size 12's wahoo, but then we have eaten really badly this week so we think we have put weight back on haha. I bought a really nice dress to wear in Fiji and on my brithday in LA which I am really looking forward to wearing and some shoes, shorts and a top.
Pearl left us a couple of weeks ago to go and work on the fruit picking farms in Bundaberg to earn some moeny to continue with her travels. Mel and I have had our own room up until a few days ago when 2 German girls moved in. They are really nice and we are only here for another 5 nights sits not too bad. On Tuesday Mel and I head to Byron for 5 days. We are both ready to leave Brisbane, eventhough we have really enjoyed it here, and are looking forward to sunbathing on the beach and walking to the lighthouse to see the whales and dolphins in the wild. Very excited about that. I decided to skip Surfers Paradise because everyone who has been says how trashy it is so I decided to spend more time in Byron, as everyone raves about it.
Its my last shift at work tonight. I start at 4 so hopefully I will finish about 9 or 10. Fox, one of the younger managers, organised a work night out because Im leaving and it was Matts 21st. We all had a great night eventhough it was a little messy. Mel was home in bed by 11.30 and I got in at 4.30am so that gives you some idea hehe. I really get on well with the people at work and I am going to miss them a lot especially Ryan, Matt, Kassy and Adam (who always tells me to f*** Up, in a nice way obviously hehe). Even my manager, Sonia, was begging me not to leave and told me how horrible Sydney was so that I would stay. It was really flattering to hear he say I was one of her best workers and Ive only been there 6 weeks. Hopefully she will give me a good reference which will be great when applying for future jobs.
Mel and I booked Fiji yesterday. 10 days on 5 tropical Fijian islands. Travel, food and accomodation for $820 (460 pounds) which is a great price I think. Gives me some idea on how much a honeymoon would be there haha. We are going to be on an island called Octopus on Mels bday (13th Feb) and Valentine's day so we have decided to spend the day sunbathing, followed by a massage, get all dressed up and have dinner and cocktails on the beach while watching the sunset - doesn't that sound amazing.... I doubt we will be able to afford it but we can dream lol.
I can't believe it is only 3 weeks until Xmas and only 10 weeks until I am in America. That means that it is only about 7 weeks until I am in Taupo and I do my skydive ahhhh. Ive got so much to look forward to still which is great. Ive had such an amazing 3 months and I hope that the next 3 are just as good.
Miss you all loads.
Lots of Love xxx
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