Wow what a crazy last few days. Arrived in 1770 last Wednesday and spent 3 nights there. The hostel was lovely and Jane and I met up with Ella, Nina, Steve Spuggy and Mike from the WhitSundays trip. The people were slightly disorganised but apart from that the atmosphere was relaxed and cozy. Jane and I went on an Acrobatic Flight which was really scary but also really exciting. It has definately cured my fear of flying and I am now ready for my SkyDive ahhh! We spent the last day chilling on the beach and watched the Sex and The City movie and The Departed which was nice to just relax and watch a bit of tv. Our first two nights we stayed in a room called Japan and the last night Jane and I had to share a bed in Sweden because they were fully booked. That was interesting to say the least hehe. On our last night we ate marshmellows around a camp fire and went to the local pub for drinks for Ellas bday which was really nice. We played drinking games and walked down to the beach for a paddle. On Sunday we left 1770 and headed to Rainbow Beach. At 4pm on our first day we had a safety talk about our trip to Fraser Island. 11 people, one 4 by 4 and 2 nights camping. The people we were with were awesome and we were all looking forward to the trip. The group consisted of Claire and Des horse fanatics from Ireland, Jane and I, Vic a really nice French girl, Nikki an English girl we had met before, Adriana and Nadine two young German girls, Yanika and Paul a really nice couple from Holland and Nadia a photographer from Germany. We left Rainbow Beach Monday at 6am, packed the car with food, camping equiptment and headed to the ferry. Claire and Des had done the trip before so that was really refreshing and made us feel really at easy. Great couple who helped out with everything and I got on really well with them. will hopefully go and visit them First day we went to Lake McKenzie where we swam in the gorgeous lake and sunbathed on the beautiful white sand there. In the evening we set up camp in the rainforest and made chicken stir fry for dinner. The second day we went to Indian Head, I drove the car there - scary but great fun, where we had a fantastic view of the islands sand dunes and saw a few turtles in the sea. Our second night we camped on the beach and made hamburgers for dinner. We walked to Maheno Shipwreck and took lots of photos and then did a 1 hour 30 min walk to Eli Creek and back to get water and go for a swim. Was exhausting walking in the sand but the creek was lovely. A few dingoes made an appearance in the evening which was amusing to say the least, especially as everyone was going to the loo hehe, but we managed to scare them away by clapping and stamping. On our last day we went to Lake Wabby where we did a did an hour walk up to the sand dunes and then rolled down them into the fresh water lake for a swim. It was gorgeous and was nice to have a swim in the lake as we had not had a shower in 3 days and were all filthy. Had a great trip to Fraser Island and met some awesome people. Claire, Des, Jane and I went and fed wild dolphins this morning. It was really good and the dolphins were so cute. Jane and I are just relaxing and packing today and then we are off to Noosa tomorrow on the 10am bus. It is only a 3 hour drive so thats not too bad. We are going to spend Halloween there and visit Australia Zoo - so excited - then onto Brisbane next week to find work and stay there for 4-5 weeks. Mel, Nina, Jon and Dave will also be there so I am going to catch up with them which will be nice. I am going to stay in the same hostel as Mel and when Jane leaves will probably buddy up with her while in Brissy. After that I am going to make a quick stop in Surfers Paradise and a few days in Byron Bay before heading to Sydney for 22nd December where I will meet up with Fi, Katy and Mel (the girls I met in Cairns).
Will update again as soon as I can.
Lots of Love xxx
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