Well I'm settled in Brisbane now. Mel, pearl and I have our room with a kitchen and bathroom located in Fortitude Valley. We are paying $130 a week which is a bargain. I've got a job at Strike Bowling in the city centre working on the bar and running the Xmas functions. It's a great venue and always busy which is good. The people I work with, mainly men hehe, are great and we have a real laugh. Its a 40 min walk to work but It's good pay too and every little helps. Last night Ryan decided to throw ice cubes at me and accidently on purpose spilt a glass of wine down me grrr. It was quite funny though. Oh and he said I looked like a break dancer because I had trainers and loose pants on. I wasn't sure whether to take that as a compliment or not LOL.
We are having a chilled one today. We are going to pop into town to get mels plane tickets. She is coming to Fiji with me yay. Tonight we are going to have a glass of goon and watch 2 Weeks Notice on sky. As you can tell we have made ourselves at home hehe.
I've got skype set up now too so I can chat and see you if you have skype yay.
Love you all xxx
p.s my address is 167 Harcourt Street, Fortitude Valley, Brisbane, 4005. I will be there until the 13th December
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